Sandy Ridge Anti-Bullying Plan

Statement of Purpose

In an effort to make Sandy Ridge Elementary a safe and caring learning environment, all stakeholders at our school are involved in the anti-bullying plan. Stakeholders include students, administrators, teachers and assistants, support staff, and parents. We recognize the importance of promoting respectful relationships within our school community and are committed to providing a nurturing environment in which all students and staff are treated fairly and with respect.

Policy Statement (UCPS BOE Policy 4-7)

The Board believes that all employees and students should be free of unlawful discrimination, including harassment and bullying, as a part of a safe, orderly and inviting working and learning environment. It commits itself to non-discrimination in all its educational and employment activities. The Board expressly prohibits unlawful discrimination, harassment, or bullying however motivated, directed toward any person or group, including, but not limited acts reasonably perceived as being motivated by any actual or perceived differentiating characteristic, such as race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, socioeconomic status, academic status, gender identity, physical appearance, sexual orientation, or mental, physical, developmental, or sensory disability, or by association with a person who has or is perceived to have one of more of these characteristics.

Definition of Bullying Behavior

Bullying behavior, under North Carolina Law, is defined as any pattern of gestures, or written, electronic, or verbal communications, or any physical act or any threatening communication that takes place on school property. Bullying can occur in the various forms including: physical, verbal, social, psychological, and cyber-bullying. Bullying behavior may include, but is not limited to: physical aggression (i.e. kicking, hitting, pushing, pinching, biting), verbal harassment (i.e. taunting, name calling, spreading rumors, threats), social intimidation/exclusion, stealing, and cyber-bullying.

Cyber-bullying is when a child, preteen, or teen is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed, or otherwise targeted by another child, preteen, or teen using the internet, interactive and digital technologies, or mobile phones. It has to have a minor on both sides, or at least have been instigated by a minor against another minor.

Managing Bullying

Student Bullying Prevention Strategies:

  • Treat everyone with respect and kindness

  • Include others

  • Refuse to bully others or let others be bullied

  • Report bullying to a staff member when you see it

Staff Bullying Prevention Strategies:

  • Watch and listen carefully for bullying, especially at recess. Stop bullying when you see it!

  • Spread out at recess and stay on watch. Teachers should move around so that they can see all areas of the playground.

  • Have class discussions about respect and how to treat others.

  • Make sure your students know the school’s bully policy

  • Pay attention when students say that they are being bullied

  • Follow the school’s policy and give consequences each time you see or find out that bullying really happened!

Anti-Bullying Training and Information for Staff:

Staff members will be trained early each school year on current bullying research and the school anti-bullying policy. The training will include ways to recognize and prevent bullying and appropriate responses to all bullying reports.

Anti-Bullying Training and Information for Students:

Each classroom teacher is responsible for classroom discussions with students about the school anti-bullying policy and the importance of showing respect to everyone in an effort to prevent bullying.

School-wide, Classroom, and Individual Efforts to Promote a Safe Learning Community:

  1. RAMS Lead! PBIS System – Sandy Ridge Elementary uses our RAMS Expectations to establish school wide behavior expectations. Students are expected to Respect Others, Act Responsibly, Make Good Choices, and Stay Safe. Students are exposed to lessons and information about these expectations through classroom lessons conducted by the teacher and counselor, morning announcements, and service learning projects. Each classroom has a behavior system with a positive component to recognize students who do an excellent job of displaying RAMS expectations.

  2. Leader in Me & RAMS Time– Sandy Ridge is a Leader in Me school. All classes start their day with RAMS Time, a designated part of our school schedule where students learn about the 7 habits and focus on building class community. LIM focuses on teaching 21st century leadership and life skills to students and creates a culture of student empowerment based on the idea that every child can be a leader.

  3. Terrific Kids – Four celebrations are held throughout the school year to recognize students who show good character in one or more ways based on the acronym TERRIFIC. This program is made possible through a partnership with the Monroe Kiwanis Club.

  4. Classroom Guidance – Lessons are provided by the school counselor to all students in K – 5 on a regular basis. Age-appropriate lessons are presented that focus on bullying. The lessons teach students what bullying is, assertion skills, and how to seek help for bullying. Students in upper grades are also taught about cyber-bullying and are informed of possible consequences for cyber-bullying should it affect school. Students are informed of a confidential way to report bullying to the counselor and encouraged to tell any school staff member or parent when they experience or witness bullying behavior.

  5. Counseling and Psycho-educational Groups - Small groups will be provided to those students who have been identified through MTSS, student and staff surveys, and parent referrals. The topics of these groups vary and will be developed to meet students’ needs, but will help the students develop necessary skills to be successful in school. Topics and strategies help students develop positive coping skills and relationships through discussions, role-plays, experiential activities, etc.

  6. Individual Counseling – Individual counseling will be provided to those students who are being affected by bullying behaviors as identified through teacher and staff observations and student referrals. In addition, counseling support will be provided to students who display bullying behaviors.

  7. Parent Communications – Parents receive frequent communications to ensure that they are aware of efforts to promote positive, non-bullying behaviors at Sandy Ridge Elementary. The school anti-bullying policy is available on the school counselor’s website ( Information about our character education program is included in both parent newsletters. Teachers, administrators and counselors communicate concerns regarding bullying behaviors to parents to help reduce bullying behaviors and help ensure all students feel safe at Sandy Ridge Elementary.

Reporting Procedures for Staff and Students


Students are instructed to report bullying behaviors to their teacher or any staff member/adult right away. They are able to report verbally or in written form and may choose to remain anonymous. Students are taught the importance of reporting dangerous/hurtful behaviors immediately so that the proper course of action can be followed to address any bullying.


Staff members are responsible for monitoring student behavior at all times and are responsible for investigating and addressing bullying behavior immediately when it is observed/when they become aware of it. Teachers will inform the counselor and/or administrators immediately when they are aware of a bullying incident so that consequences can be determined as outlined in the bullying policy.

Consequences and Appropriate Remedial Actions for Acts of Harassment, Intimidation, or Bullying

For each incident, the developmental and maturity levels of the parties involved, levels of harm, the reasons surrounding the incident, the nature of the behaviors, the context in which the alleged incidents occurred, and past history of the parties involved will be considered when providing consequences.

In accordance with the Elementary School Student Handbook, general consequences for bullying at Sandy Ridge Elementary are outlined below.

1st Offense: 0-3 days of suspension at the discretion of the principal

2nd Offense: 3-5 days of suspension

3rd Offense: 5-10 days of suspension

We recognize the importance of providing support to prevent future bullying behavior. Therefore, for each offense, the student will receive additional actions at the discretion of the teacher, administration, counselor, and/or other school staff. These potential actions include:

  • Parent phone call or email

  • Parent conference

  • Meeting with the school counselor

  • Student reflection about the incident, impact on other students, and how to prevent future problems

  • Staff-guided conversation between the student and the target(s)

Monitoring and Evaluating

All reports of bullying are shared between administration and the school counselor so that the school counselor can assist in monitoring the nature and extent of bullying in our school. Student surveys may also be used to monitor bullying behaviors within our school throughout the year. Analyzing this data allows us to see patterns at specific locations within our school (such as recess or bathrooms), in classrooms, or with individual students so that we can put supports in place to address these needs. Any indicator of an increase in bullying behaviors will necessitate conversation among school staff to thoroughly review our current plan and consider changes.