1st Lessons 23-24

Lesson 1: September 2023

I visited each first grade classroom to introduce myself to students, review my role as a school counselor, and learn more about pleasant and unpleasant feelings. I always want students to know that my job is about helping them, and I help them through classroom lessons, small groups, individual counseling, and consulting with parents and teachers. I used a magic coloring book to help students think about pleasant and unpleasant feelings, and students LOVED it!


NC Guidance Essential Standards: RED.SE.1.2 Identify ways of controlling emotional states, feelings, and moods. 

ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors: Belief in development of whole self, including a healthy balance of mental, social/emotional and physical well-being; Create relationships with adults that support success

Lesson 2: October 2023

We focused on bullying prevention during this lesson using the book Have You Filled a Bucket Today?. I used the lesson time to make sure that students know what bullying is and how to report if there is a problem. Then, we spent the majority of the lesson time on ways to be a Bucket Filler- doing kind things for others. 


NC Guidance Essential Standards: RED.C.1.1 Identify problems that you have encountered or are likely to encounter; RED.C.2.1 Identify situations from your daily like in terms of problems and solution strategies; RED.C.2.2 Recognize situations in which peer pressure is influencing decisions.

ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors: B-SS 2. Positive, respectful and supportive relationships with students who are similar to and different from them; B-SS 8. Advocacy skills for self and others and ability to assert self, when necessary

Lesson 3: Nov/Dec 2023

This lesson focused on tattling versus telling/reporting.  We used the book Don't Squeal Unless It's a Big Deal.  In the book, Mrs. McNeal has nineteen little piglets who are great students except for a big problem- tattling.  Mrs. McNeal teaches them the difference between "big deals" and "kid sized problems."  We spent a lot of time with different situations and determining if it was a big deal that required telling or a little deal that should first be handled student to student. Students helped to role play situations, and we worked together to determine the best way to solve the issue. 


NC Guidance Essential Standards: RED.SE.1.1 Understand the importance of self-control and responsibility;

ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors: B-SMS 7. Effective coping skills

Lessons 4 & 5: January 2024 & February 2024

January: This week we continued building social skills with a lesson on choices we can use to solve conflicts with others. Then, students learned strategies to help solve problems with others on the Wheel of Choice.

February Lesson: Continued to practice the Wheel of Choice strategies. We spent additional time on I Messages and then used the book Matthew and Tilly to look at peer conflicts and identify strategies that we can use to help. Then, students practiced applying the strategies in different scenarios. 


NC Guidance Essential Standards: RED.C.1.1 Identify problems that you have encountered or are likely to encounter; RED.C.2.1 Identify situations from your daily like in terms of problems and solution strategies

ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors: B-SS 2. Positive, respectful and supportive relationships with students who are similar to and different from them; B-SS 8. Advocacy skills for self and others and ability to assert self, when necessary; B-SMS 7. Effective coping skills; B-SS 6. Effective collaboration and cooperation skills 

Lesson 6: March 2024

This lessons focused on the connection between our choices and consequences. Students learned that we make choices with our body and the words that we say each day at school. They also learned that consequences can be good or bad. We used the book What Should Danny Do? to explore the connection between our choices and consequences.  We also connected the strategy of STOP, THINK, and CHOOSE and continued practicing the connection between choices and consequences with specific school related situations. 


NC Guidance Essential Standards:: RED.SE.1.1 Understand the importance of self-control and responsibility 

ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors: B-SMS 1. Responsibility for self and actions; B-SMS 2. Self-discipline and self-control 

Lesson 7: April 2024

Students have so much fun with this lesson! They love to explore careers, and I enjoy seeing their excitement! We used the book Clothesline Clues to Jobs People Do to have a conversation about careers.  The book uses different tools and clothing for readers to guess the specific career/job. After reading the book, students had the opportunity to create their own clues for a career that sounds interesting to them. 


NC Guidance Essential Standards: RED.CR.1.1 Describe traditional and nontraditional career choices and the ways they might relate to your chosen career goals; RED.CR.1.3 Explore awareness of personal abilities, skills, and interests; RED.CR.2.1 Explore the activities performed and skills used in various occupations

ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors: M 5. Belief in using abilities to their fullest to achieve high-quality results and outcomes; B-LS 7. Long- and short-term academic, career and social/emotional goals;