About Us

Who We Are

The UAAU is the official undergraduate organization for Anthropology students. We are a student association that promotes an undergraduate community within the Department of Anthropology. Our group encourages both academic and social activities and seeks to use the range and variety of student experience to contribute to all sub-disciplines of anthropology and to offer an anthropological perspective to other fields. We organize social and academic events throughout the year and offer a great way to get to know people in the anthropology department.

We offer social events like movie nights, trivia, scavenger hunts, and much more! There are also academic events like study groups, homework help, and mentoring opportunities. Our goal is to provide support and community for all anthropology-interested students. We also represent the anthropology student body at department meetings to raise concerns and give students a voice. Throughout the year, our events will also raise money for Indigenous charities to give back to the community.

How To Join

Anybody can join, no matter what your major or minor are! We totally get the stress of being a student so there is no time commitment for being a member: come only as often as you want.

To join, all you have to do is sign up for our email list and follow our social media! That way you will always stay up to date on any events or opportunities we share. You can join our BearsDen page which is a centralized UofA platform that posts events and information related to the club.

If you'd like to know more about anthropology or have any questions about our association, send us an email at uaau@ualberta.ca