
Although I do not take formal attendance in class, I do build participation points into all my courses --- normally about 10% of the overall class grade --- but how do I calculate this?  My Modus operandi has changed over the years, here's how...

For the minor, part of participation is informal attendance (not necessarily from a formal role call) but from work produced in class: be it a filled-in handout; an artifact of group work in-class etc.; or on some days just a simple sign-in sheet.  The problem is that participation does not look the same for all students - some are gregarious and obviously engaged, others are quiet (but still actively engaged) and others fail to show up at all!   

2022-2023:  I use Poll Everwhere as a technological tool to create a Reflexive Exit Ticket (13 opportunities throughout the semester, each worth one point).  

This methodology serves several purposes:

I have provided a recent example after a lesson on universal human rights below, and the results are illuminating

ANTH205 ET#3 What element or thing discussed in today's class, or this module, interested or surprised you the most, and why_.pdf

To 2021: The main 'tool' I used for assigning participation grades might shock you --- I ask the students twice throughout the semester to grade their own attendance.  I use an index card or a Google Form to facilitate this.  To my surprise, they are far harder on themselves that I would ever be.  Here is the slide and/or question I use:

My rule of thumb is: if the student's own grade varies more than two points from my assessment of their participation, I adjust their grade.  If not, I give them what they assign themselves.  Try it once and you will be surprised how honest they are about themselves.

Here is a snapshot of the surprisingly honest results

And some of the surprising justifications and responses