Grading Rubrics & Handouts

One of the keys to student success on assignments, and consistency in assessment on my behalf, is a grading rubric and/or clear instruction. Over time, I have created several rubrics and worksheets, which I think, are worthy of sharing. I always use a rubrics. I reiterate their importance to the students at any given opportunity: be as a handout in class, embedded in the assignment instructions or in the area where the assignment is uploaded, and attached to the feedback/assessment --- I have learned that redundancy is the key!

My most useful Rubric

I use this rubric for weekly Module Tasks (MT) and Quick Tasks (QT)

Final Projects

This is an example of a grading rubric I often use and edit (depending on the specifics of the class) to grade a student's final project. Final Projects in my class can take several forms: a paper, presentation, creation of a video or website, poster etc. Providing options for the students gives them artistic freedom to produce something that matches their personality and learning style.