Going Sober for 40 Days - Update

Post date: Nov 8, 2013 9:52:55 PM

I know you are probably fed up seeing posts about this but "my sobriety for charity" formally ends on Sunday (and this is the last such post I promise!) but just a final word of THANKS - everyone's generosity has been fantastic - I really appreciate it. Needless to say, if you have yet to donate and would like to support this ambitious new charity set up in memory of an amazing person, you still can (see link below).


Those who knew Clare will agree, she was such a special person: so full of compassion, love, sensitivity, generosity as well as being fantastic fun. The world is so much poorer a place without Clare in it - but I think she would be bowled over by people's support of the charity. Spiel over! Thanks.


Rory is 'Going Sober for 40 days' to raise money for a new educational charity set up in memory of a very close friend, Dr Clare Cassidy, who died suddenly in 2008.  The 'Going Sober' began on 1st October as 'Going Sober for October' but to maximise fundraising potential, he has extended it to 40 days as Clare was 40 when she died, so a day for each year of her life.  If you would like to know more and/or are interested in sponsoring him, details can be found in link above