Ask The UofG Expert – Suicide Research & Prevention

Post date: May 7, 2018 6:55:57 PM

Professor Rory O’Connor, Director of the Suicidal Behaviour Research Laboratory, was live on the UofG Facebook page on Wednesday 9 May to answer any questions about suicide research and prevention.

MVLS Communications Officer Elizabeth McMeekin interviewed Rory and asked him your questions on Facebook.  This was the second in the series of ‘Ask the UofG Expert’ live facebook videos. 

The series aims to provide an interactive platform to allow audiences to engage with our research.

The Facebook Live Q&A is available to watch again here.

If you have been affected by any of the issues discussed in our Facebook Live and would like to talk to someone, please reach out. Support is available at any of the following places


Free and available 24 hours a day to provide confidential emotional support for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those which may lead to suicide.

Breathing Space:

Free and confidential phoneline service for any individual, who is experiencing low mood or depression, or who is unusually worried and in need of someone to talk to. The phoneline is open 24 hours at weekends (6pm Friday - 6am Monday) and from 6pm to 2am on weekdays (Monday - Thursday).

You may also wish to contact your GP or another healthcare professional.