B - 5th Easter

Connected to Christ

We looked ahead to the Fifth Sunday of Easter (Year B) and Jesus’ powerful metaphor, “I am the vine, you are the branches.” A very clear image forms that helps us to recognise that we are wholly reliant on God to live a life which will bear fruit. If we think and behave in ways that remove us from our relationship with God and each other, we will surely find life is much less fulfilling.

The metaphor contains many powerful ideas: not only that we are connected and interdependent but also that God will prune the fruitful branches too. In order to become stronger, healthier and bear even more fruit, it is good for the living vine to be pruned - we will face challenges and hardships in our relationships that will make us stronger!

We looked out to celebrate examples of children going the extra mile to build fruitful relationships with others across the school community this week.

Bee good to the planet!

On Monday it was National Earth Day. It is a day for thinking about how we care for our Earth and what we can do help it even more. With this in mind the children met a couple of local bee keepers who told them lots of facts about the different bees that visit our gardens, especially honey bees. They learnt about the importance of bees as pollinators and how they can help bees to survive, including planting bee friendly flowers, shallow bowls of water and bee hotels. It was wonderful to hear the excitement in the children as they listened to the facts and their eagerness to ask questions.  

Out of this world...

Reception have been continuing learning all about space this week. The children were interested to learn about Tim Peake and how he became an astronaut. This intrigued the children who then built a space rocket outside and even created their own space pictures using paint.   We wonder if we have any budding astronauts in the making? 

Multiplicative Thinking

After focusing on the foundations of multiplication and multiplicative relationships, including equal and unequal groups, repeated addition and arrays, Year 1 spent time towards the end of this week exploring this learning through a picture of a funfair and some journaling. They were challenged to spot the multiplicative relationships within the context of the picture and annotate to represent the relationships using their prior knowledge of multiplication and representations from previous lessons. They really impressed us with their mathematical thinking and ability to challenge themselves further by working out products and spotting similarities and differences between relationships. Well done, Year 1! 

Preparing for Pentecost

Within RE this week, Year 3 have been looking ahead to the events of Pentecost, learning that the word Pentecost actually comes from the Greek word for fiftieth (hence why it is celebrated fifty days after Easter). We discussed how wind and fire can be useful and how both are powerful before turning to the scripture itself. By putting ourself in Peter’s shoes, we described the events of Pentecost and therefore have looked at the first three Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary: The Resurrection (Easter), The Ascension (when Jesus went to Heaven for the second time) and Pentecost (when Jesus sent the promised helper - the Holy Spirit). 

PE Prowess

Year 4 encountered all sorts of weather during their first Summer Term P.E. lesson yesterday.  Over the course of the afternoon, we had wind, rain and sun but that didn't deter the children from an enjoyable afternoon.  4M continued with their athletics training, working on their sprinting technique, and helping their partners recognise good form.  4V began their first ever cricket training at school.  It was an interesting first lesson, practising their throwing and catching and introducing the cricket bowl (which was met with great enthusiasm!) 4I continued with the tennis skills that they learnt last year, focusing on ball control this week.   They are looking forward to continuing learning new skills as they progress through these units for the next two weeks!

Feeling our Feelings

In Nursery this week we have continued to explore our feelings and emotions with the help of the Colour Monster and the Colour Monster Doctor. We have discussed what makes us feel a certain way and thought of various techniques to help us manage these feelings with the help of our ‘emotions toolkit’. 

C'est Combien?

Building on their French vocabulary and recall on numbers, Year 6 have begun an exciting new unit in French all about shopping and food. The children were tasked with the challenge of engaging in a short conversation to buy a variety of items on 'la liste des course' and to use the correct euros to do so. Next week we will visit a French cafe to order our lunch - c'est délicieux!

Memories for a lifetime...

WOW! What a fabulous few days away! A rather weary, tired but happy Year 5 returned to school on Wednesday evening from their residential to the Isle of Wight. Not only did they have fun, but they developed so many skills and learnt so much about themselves and each other. From the determination to climb to the top of Jacob’s ladder, to being out of their comfort zone on the trapeze, to leadership skills during the problem solving and survivor tasks. All children (and staff) had a wonderful time and were a credit to the school at all times. I am sure they slept well on Wednesday night after a full packed few nights away. Thank you to all the staff who took time from their own busy lives and families to attend the trip and allow the children to be able to experience this amazing opportunity!

Connecting with 2H

Our thanks to St Helena's Class for a beautiful worship this morning, considering the many and varied ways that we are joined together, and therefore connected to Christ.  The children helped us to see and appreciated how we are joined together as one human family and therefore must take special care to ensure our words, actions and attitudes are reflective of our interdependence.  If we want to bear the fruits of God's Holy Spirit - we must learn to grow together as branches on the vine.  What an inspiring message!  God bless you 2H! 

Wonderful Witnesses

Congratulations to this week's Witness Award winners for their tremendous contribution to building relationships across the school community this week.  Thank you for making St Joseph's an even better place! 

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Kids School Club Flyer (1).pdf