French Club

SHS French Club is for all students interested in celebrating and learning more about French language and francophone cultures. Our mission is to give members of our high school community opportunities to enjoy French culture outside of the classroom. Dues are usually $10 and support our activities and a senior scholarship. We usually meet at lunch on the 2nd Thursday of the month in the French classroom, #130. All are welcome - it is not necessary to speak French! Questions? Please email me at

2021-2022 Une meilleure année

Welcome to French Club ! We are eager to meet and explore cultural traditions from France and other Francophone countries. There are no dues, and our club is open to everyone.

Officiers: Co-Presidents: Kelly Daugherty and Kaci Austen
Co Vice-Presidents: Britton Nichols and Selina Sung

August 26th: First meeting! Get to know about French Club. Room 130 at lunch.

2020-2021 L'année du Covid!!

No dues. No meetings on Thursdays. Instead, we will organize meetings on Fridays with Google Meets. Get information on the French Club Google Classsroom page, Class code Idykxt3

Officiers: Presidente: Justice Rebmann

Vice-Presidente : Wallis Shepard

Secretaire: Jonna Hannabass

Octobre 23 - Google meet at 12:15. Topic: animals, pets, and animal rights and rescue in Francophone countries.

December 3: Google meet at 12:15 pm: St. Nicholas!

April 8: Game day! play Clue in French!


Club de Francais 2019-2020

Presidente: Edie Will

Vice-president: Jesse Wallace

Co-Secretaires/tresoriers: Christina Burch et Justice Rebman

Historiens/liaisons a l'annuaire: Jason Bryant et Chloe Kelly

Next meeting: October10th! Musique!

November 14: Board games in French

December 12: Joyeux Noel, avec les buches de noels.

January 16: Let's make Berets!

February 13: Make Crepes for Chandeleur (which was February 2nd) - and Valentines!

February 25: Mardi Gras!! with Spanish club.

March 11: Smac n'lunch: make Diabolos for SMAC.


Club de Francais de 2018-2019!

At our last meeting in May we elected officers to begin the year. Other offices will be filled as soon as possible, so join the club, pay your dues and come to the first meeting!

Co-Presidents: Anna Long and Leila Merkel

Co-Vice-Presidents: Allie Brown and Kiley Nahs

Secretary: Edie Wills

Treasurer: Drew Russell

Historians: Reem Mansy and Jesse Wallace

First meeting September 13: meet, greet, diabolos et biscuits


2017-2018 : President: Cassie DeGroot; Vice President: Laura Apblett; Secretaire: Anna Long;Tresorier: Cassidy McCann; Historienne: Cameron Dickey

19 mai: End of year picnic on the dock at Boomer Lake; elections for Pres. and Vice.

26 avril: Cassie DeGroot tells about her two weeks in France as French Fellow!

8 mars: Cafe etudier ; prepare for exams with French Club friends.

13 fevrier: CARNAVAL with Spanish Club!

8 fevrier: Chandeleur et Crepes! Bring items for the SMAC basket!

14 decembre: Buches de Noels!

9 novembre: Au Revoir, French Fellows!

12 octobre Pause Cafe

7 Septembre elections

August 31: 1st meeting

Howdy week club recruitment Thursday August 24th: Stop by our table in the Student Center to learn about French Club, the French Fellows and officers!


2016-1017 officers and events: Pres: Anna Noden, Vice, Dax Russell, Sec, Madeline Lynch, Treas Elizabeth Pappas, Historian, Cameron Dickey.

First meeting: September 8th: officer nominations and information.

Second meeting: September 15th: Elections!

Third Meeting: October 6th: Cafe

Fourth meeting: November : Crafts!

Fifth Meeting: December 8th: Decorer les buches de noels!

6th meeting: January 12: Fete canadienne avec poutine et biscuits au sirop d'erable.

7th meeting: February 9th: Chandeleur et les Crepes!

8th meeting: April 13: French Fellow Lyndsey Speer.

9th Meeting: May 11th: Pique-Nique et prix; election of next year's officers


2015-2016 officers/events

President: Raife Johnson

Vice President: Lyndsey Speer

Secretary: Tristan Taylor

Treasurer: Kaustuvi Thapa

Historian: Miranda Koskela

Last meeting of the year was May 12!!!

9th meeting: April 14th: Baguette Eating Contest and Cheese Tastin: Raife won!! Goat cheese was the favorite cheese!

8th meeting: March 10th: French Cultural Trivia!

7th meeting: MARDI GRAS le 9 fevrier!

6th Meeting: January 15: Pause Cafe at 4H15 a Panera!!

5th meeting: December 10: Noel et St. Nicholas!

4th meeting: November 11.

3rd Meeting: October 8th

Western Day: September 25th: We sell Diabolos for $1. Come and buy or help sell!

2nd meeting: September 10: Officer elections and tastes of France: Diabolos et biscuits francais!

1st meeting August 27: Officer nominations: candidates must turn in application by Sept. 4th.

2014-2015 Officers

President: Pete Pickens

Vice-President: Raife Johnson

Secretary: Binhong Chen

Treasurer: Iain Kirschke

Historian: Ana Solis

Pink out WEEK Was a success! Merci A tous ceux qui ont contribue au Basket et qui ont collectionne pour Bootiful Heads.

1st meeting: Thursday, August 28th, 2014. Bring your lunch, your ideas, and your dues. We will ask for officer nominations and ideas for activities this year.

2nd meeting: Thursday Sept. 11: ELECTIONS and FRENCH ANTI STRESS fun. Merci d'etre venu! On s'est bien amuse!

3rd meeting: Thursday October 9th: Petanque Picnic behind the PAC!

4th Meeting: Thursday November 13: Photos of France and diabolos!

5th Meeting: December 11: Buches de Noel et St. Nicholas!

6th Meeting: January 15: Winter Carnaval in Quebec: Maple snow cones and Bonhomme games.

7th Meeting: February 12: Crepes pour le Chandeleur!

8th meeting: March 12: Pause Etudier!

9th Meeting: April 16th: meet our International students and gain their perspective on SHS, and Stillwater, Amercia.

10th meeting: May 14th: Petanque Pique-nique! Join in fun and games with petanque, 'horseball', and Frenchie sandwiches.

2013-2014 Officers:

President: Joseph Appelbaum

Vice-President: Lauren Terry

Secretary: Christy Mote

Treasurer: Pete Pickens

Historian: Chey Charette

Media administrator: Tim Rose