Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What time are morning treatments? 

A: 7:00 AM on normal school days Monday - Friday in the Main Training Room. 9th Grade Football players may be seen M-W immediately after school due to morning practice. More Info

Q: Where is the Main Training Room? 

A: On the south side of FMHS Main Campus. More Info

Q: What do I do if I think my child has a concussion? 

A: Contact the AT staff for instructions and review LISD's Parents Guide to Concussions. In general, when a concussion is suspected, the student should be treated with rest and as little stimulus as possible. All forms of technology including phones, Ipads, television, and large or noisy crowd should be avoided. Latest research has revealed that rest is a key to treating concussions. Of course, if severe symptoms are present, emergency medical evaluation is always recommended.  More Info

Q: What is C3 Logix?

A: C3 Logix is a concussion baseline and evaluation program utilized by our program that provides a mechanism to unite athletic trainers, physicians, parents, researchers and coaches with the collection of data following a concussion. More Details

Q: What Physician or Surgeon should I see for my child's injury or illness? 

A: The AT staff works closely with our Team Orthopedic Surgeon and our Team General Medicine Physician but will follow the care directed by other physicians that has evaluated your student.  Please contact our staff if you have a question about which physicians we recommend. More Info

Q: When are athletic physicals offered?

A: Athletic Physicals are offered for $20 on Saturday April 13, 2024 this year. This supports the FMHS Athletic Training Program organized through the FMHS Football Booster Club. You may also see any licensed Texas physician or advance practice nurse with the CURRENT UIL Pre-Participation Physical form to have your physical evaluation completed and signed. Your child's physical must be uploaded to in BEFORE they may try out or practice with an athletic team each school year.  More Info

Q: How often does my child need a new athletic physical? 

A: LISD Policy requires each student athlete to have a new physical on file each year before they participate. The form is found here: CURRENT UIL Pre-Participation Physical Form. FMHS offers a $20 physical event each Spring with the proceeds benefiting the AT program at FMHS. More Info

Q: Where can I find the required UIL/LISD Athletic Forms? 

A: All forms are completed online at www.lewisvilleisd.rankonesport.comMore Info

Q: How does my child join the student athletic trainer aide program at FMHS? 

A: Each spring 8th graders are encouraged to fill out the Sports Medicine 1 application to be considered for the class taught each fall semester. After completing this course, students may apply for Sports Medicine 2 and then become a part of our student program. 

Q: Why do I need to send a note to the AT staff when they have seen a doctor?

A: Athletic trainers at FMHS care for your child based on a physician's directions. We must have a note from a treating physician to provide care to help them return to their sport. We also must be aware of current medical needs, restrictions, or concerns to ensure the safety of your child's participation in athletics. More Info