'16-'17-Archives-Español III-1st semester

New por & para stuff: https://lenguajeyotrasluces.com/2015/03/29/diferencias-por-y-para/


(Los lunes - qué hiciste/los viernes - qué vas/quieres/planeas/tienes que hacer)

https://quizlet.com/_3kzway - ¿Qué hiciste durante el fin de semana?


Wed., Sept. 7 / Thu., Sept. 8: We'll go over class expectations and have a "getting to know you" activity, mentira. If we have time, we'll also play a brain storming game, alto el fuego.

Homework: Due on Tue., Sept. 13 / Wed., Sept. 15 - Go over the class expectations sheet with a parent/guardian, please have him/her sign and date the last page and you do the same. Turn it in to me and show me your Spanish binder with loose-leaf paper and your charged iPad.

Fri., Sept. 9 / Mon., Sept. 12: You will have the entire block to work on designing and creating your personal coat of arms, following these guidelines:


1. See page two of the project guide. Review basic conversational give and take, including interrogatives (question words) that you'll need this for the conversations you'll hold with each other using your personal coats of arms. Let me know if you have questions.

2. Plan to complete this project at home. This is the only class time you will have to work on this project and one block is not sufficient to complete a high quality job! It's due next Thu., Sept. 15 / Fri., Sept. 16.

Tue., Sept. 13 / Wed., Sept. 14: We'll continue our review and practice of basic conversation.

1. As a starter activity, write nine questions, each using a different interrogative (who, what, when, where, why, how, how much, to or from where & at what time.) When you're done, trade papers with a classmate who has finished writing his/her questions. Answer each other's questions. Remember, with 12 well-done starters you earn a free homework pass!

2. Here is a handout we'll use with a song (that some of you already know!) to help you remember the question words:


We will practice the above song in class in groups. If you would like to earn up to 5 points each on the project due next class, you may perform it in class today. You will have to sing it as many times as there are people in your group.

3. Are there any questions on page two of the Escudo project handout?

4. Next we will listen to some basic conversations, you will write down as much information as you understand from each.







5. Time permitting, we'll play alta el fuego to try to stir up some old vocab!

Project (assessment) - Due on Thu., Sept. 15 / Fri., Sept. 16. Create your own escudo/coat of arms. Follow the guidelines above.

Thu., Sept. 15 / Fri., Sept. 16: We will have conversations, classmate to classmate in concentric circles, using the escudos/coats of arms as cues to help keep the conversations rolling. Remember, the conversations are part of the project grade!

Mon., Sept. 19 / Tue., Sept. 20:

We will introduce our Hispanic Heritage Month Project, which counts as an assessment. We will review the guidelines, below, and each student will choose his/her historical figure to research. The rest of the block will be devoted to research - no gaming or social media in class! Please take the opportunity to ask me questions about the project today!

Project Guidelines: ImportantFiguresinLatinAmericanHistory-Update.pdf

DUE MON., OCT. 3 / TUE., OCT. 4

Homework, due Wed., Sept. 21 / Thu., Sept. 22: To show that you've begun the research of your historical figure, write a paragraph (complete sentences in Spanish, ¡por favor!) describing the following about him/her:

Name, date of birth*, place of birth*, topic/issue with which he/she is most closely associated and if he/she was a "good guy" or "bad guy."**

*Speak to me if you have a group, not a person, so that we can modify these two.

**Not everyone is easily classifiable!

Wed., Sept. 21 / Thu., Sept. 22: Day 1 of our preterite v. imperfect review.

Starter: http://spanish.about.com/library/weekly/aa022299.htm

I'll check your homework while you complete the starter.

In class:

We'll brainstorm what we already know about the preterite v. the imperfect.

Then you'll read the p. v. i. review on this site and take the practice quiz:

http://www.spanishdict.com/topics/show/64 If there are some common errors on the quiz we will discuss and clarify those.

If we have time, we'll brainstorm verbs that you may need to use in the preterite or imperfect for your projects (e.g. nacer, morir and the cucaracha verbs.)

Irregular verbs in the preterite-Cucaracha song

Homework, due Fri., Sept. 23 / Mon., Sept. 26:

Write eight compound sentences, each using the preterite and the imperfect, comparing what you did recently with what you used to do habitually. For example:

Yesterday I drove to school, but I used to take the bus. Don't copy this sentence! Vary your sentences, you may use wordreference, but make sure you're using it as a dictionary, not a translator or you will get a zero on this homework assignment!

Unit theme:

Communicating about past actions, feelings and events (preterite v. imperfect review) & Hispanic Heritage Month Project

Fri., Sept. 23 / Mon., Sept. 26: Day 2 of our preterite v. imperfect review.

Starter: Try this preterite v. imperfect story:

Cuento-El pretérito o el imperfecto

While you're doing the starter I will check your homework.

In class: We'll review the sentences you wrote for homework. You will earn a punto for writing one of yours on the board, and then you can earn more by contributing to corrections.

Let's see the preterite v. imperfect in action with a familiar story. I'll put Little Red Riding Hood (in Spanish) on the board.

Caperucita Roja - El pretérito y el imperfecto

There will be a story on the exam. So, if there is time remaining, practice the story links, Superhombre & Ricitos de oro, from the Colby site, below. If you do not have time to do so in class, I strongly recommend that you practice these at home.

Part of the exam (10 points) will be an essay. I am permitting you to write this outside of class, so do a good job but do not use a translator or you will get a zero! Write 10-12 sentences in the past in Spanish - using the preterite and the imperfect, as appropriate. I suggest that you write about what happened in this video:


If you choose to write your essay about another video, include the link at the top of your essay (emailed or shared with me @ estenmar@spsdme.org) and make sure that your name is on the doc itself. This essay is due at the beginning of class on the day of the exam.

Use these links for preterite v. imperfect practice:

Study guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lwWOrSksyNDQdNjfEnAWsKVyyNBDQXwqJu_u0TFQVEw/edit?usp=sharing


http://www.studyspanish.com/lessons/pretimp1.htm (Look in the left column, this is #1, there are a lot of other p. v. i. activities on this site)


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHxnqP9Dh9o Pret. v. imperf. rap

Still having preterite conjugation issues? Try these links:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFUAWMMdE7c Irregulars - La cucaracha song

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G86u9YrJc9s Stem changers - sandal verbs (only weird in the 3rd person)

Tue., Sept. 27 / Wed., Sept. 28:

Starter: Final preterite v. imperfect practice with Goldilocks. http://personal.colby.edu/~bknelson/SLC/ricitos1.html

In class: After the starter, you'll have class time to work on your project. I will conference with individuals or small groups for preterite v. imperfect help as needed for the exam.


(Hint! If you do the test makeup activity, highlighted in blue under Oct. 5/6, before the exam, you will probably do well on the exam!)


Project Guidelines: ImportantFiguresinLatinAmericanHistory-Update.pdf

Remember, you need to write down at least one important point from each of your classmates' presentations, as you will need to make some type of puzzle or other learning activity from them to demonstrate what you learned and to share with the class on Wed./Thu. These learning activities must be printed or hand-written.

One topic that a couple of presentations touch on is Argentina's (and other parts of Latin America's, too) "Dirty War." Watching these videos will give us more information on this topic.

La guerra sucia (The Dirty War):


Muro de memoria - http://www.desaparecidos.org/arg/victimas/

Sting en concierto - Ellas danzan solas


Wed., Oct. 5 / Thu., Oct. 6:

You will show me the final piece of your project, the learning activity that you made to demonstrate what you learned from your classmates' presentations. Remember, these learning activities must be printed or hand-written! After I've seen them all, you will exchange them and complete each other's activities to reinforce what you learned.

Any questions on the "communication in the past" makeup activity (blue, below)?

Starter: Play scatter with the vocab. from the story for five minutes. Take a screen shot of your best score. http://quizlet.com/54373964

In class: Now that you are familiar with some of the vocabulary from the story, we'll begin to read our first short story of the year, Las alas son para volar



Homework, due Tue., Oct. 11 / Wed., Oct. 12: - at least 6 sentences in Spanish:

Write 3-4 sentences about a risk you took. What was the risk? Why did you take that risk? How did it turn out (use the verbs resultar or salir for "to turn out" - don't say bien/mal... use more precise descriptive adjectives.) Next, write 3-4 sentences about a time you chose not to take a risk. What was the risk? Why did you decide not to take the risk this time? How did that decision turn out? Proofread your work before turning it in, in particular, examine your preterite v. imperfect choices and conjugations. Remember, the only dictionary and verb reference that you are allowed to use is wordreference.com! I recommend that you write it in google docs, autocorrect is not perfect, but it is usually helpful! (Make sure that your name is on the doc itself, so that I'll know it's yours if I print it.)

Tue., Oct. 11 / Wed., Oct. 12:

Starter: Get at least a 90 on this "quiz": http://quizlet.com/54373964/test?mult_choice=on&prompt-with=1&limit=46

In class:

1. Homework check. R4, also check project learning activities.

2. Finish reading story or reviewing the questions together (R3 did 1st two questions; R4 did 1-4; W3 did no questions due to pep rally.)

3. You will share half of your homework (risk taken or not taken) with a table mate, and he/she will do the same. Time permitting, you will share the other half with the person on your other side.

5. Time permitting, we'll watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqXxNPgxVAc and play quizlet live with the vocab.

No homework due next class.

Thu., Oct. 13 / Fri., Oct. 14:

We are going to have a quick review unit on some grammatical issues that I've noticed a pattern of: ser v. estar, possessives and "backwards" verbs like gustar (I hope that preterite v imperfect issues will be clarified with the makeup, above.)

In class activities:

1. "Backwards" verbs (like gustar):

Keep taking it until you are satisfied with your score and take a screen shot of it: http://www.bowdoin.edu/~eyepes/newgr/gust.htm

2. Ser & estar:

Read this: http://www.drlemon.com/Grammar/servsestar.html

Fill in the blanks on this: http://www.drlemon.com/studentWorksheetPDFs/servsestar1.pdf

(Additional ser/estar practice, if you're not pleased with your initial score: http://www.mendycolbert.com/BV1Ch8_ser_estar_wksht.pdf )

3. Possessives:

Review these (flash cards, scatter, whatever works for you): https://quizlet.com/_1n665a

Take a screen shot of your results on this quizlet "test": https://quizlet.com/99385246/test?written=on&prompt-with=1&limit=14

Complete and/or re-do at home until you are satisfied with your score. You will show me #s 1-3 for a graded classwork score (on Mon./Tue.)

Mon., Oct. 17 / Tue., Oct. 18:

Starter: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pltur6z7SvTbMrsrWGhDbr1lboBkOLhGmw17RIWPYuU/edit?usp=sharing

(Tuesday's class - the sub will have an answer key so that you can check your answers.)

In class:

1. Working with partners, you will each complete a graphic organizer of the story. (6 drawings and 6 sentences!)

2. Still working with partners, you will practice more "backwards" verbs (we will review this next class.)


3. Don't waste class time! With the time remaining you may:

a. View the graphic organizers of other pairs, perhaps this will help you add more pertinent information to yours;

b. Practice ser v. estar:


Click "new quiz" for more practice.

c. Practice the vocabulary in quizlet: https://quizlet.com/54373964/las-alas-son-para-volar-flash-cards/#

Wed., Oct. 19 / Thu., Oct. 20:

Starter: We'll listen to a song about desplegando alas. In pairs or small groups, you will re-assemble the cut up lyrics into their correct order. (The song will be on repeat while you do this.) We may not have time for the starter on Wed., due to PSAT testing running late.

In class:

1. We'll review your starter.

2. We will review the "backwards" verb practice from last class.

3. More ser v. estar practice or Quizlet live with the story's vocab.

4. Questions about the exam you'll take next class?

As I was out during last Tuesday's class, the exam was postponed to Fri., Oct. 21 / Mon., Oct. 24.

Exam on Las alas son para volar and associated vocabulary.

Here's how to study for the exam:

1. Practice the vocab.: Quizlet link http://quizlet.com/54373964. You can copy it to your own quizlet account and add other words from the story if you would like. Don't just do matching! Use learn mode and then test yourself.

2. Re-read the story and use your graphic organizer to review the characters, problem/conflict, resolution, etc.

B. 8-10 sentences on "backwards" verbs (gustar, encantar, caer bien/mal, aburrir, importar, interesar, molestar & parecer); ser & estar and possessives.

You'll just have to translate the sentences. For example: I like his shoes, but they are expensive = Me gustan sus zapatos, pero son caros. Be aware that the verbs may be in the present, preterite or imperfect tenses.


Tue., Oct. 25 / Wed., Oct. 26:

In class:

Your daily routine - follow these links to learn about reflexive verbs:

1. A helpful explanation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2ZTZZIiZog

(Toward the end of the video, we'll do examples in the present, preterite and imperfect tenses.)

2. A lengthy explanation, good for those who need to review the basics of regular verb conjugation as well as reflexives:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moGB7otjPxk

3. Useful song, "Reflex your verby": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KATBgZ5oyIg

4. "Buy U a reflexive verb": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqE6ONXX68o

5. Sort of a rap: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vP0TXQQlzJM

Belated starter: http://quizlet.com/56171057/test?mult_choice=on&prompt-with=0&limit=22

Work individually on this. If you don't earn at least a 90, take it again, por favor.

Homework: Begin your daily routine "project", here are the guidelines: DailyRoutineProject (2).pdf (Do not copy the two example sentences at the bottom of the guidelines!)

It's due on Mon., Oct. 31 / Tue., Nov. 1. This is the assessment for this unit, so do your best work! It will count for the second quarter.

Thu., Oct. 27 / Fri., Oct. 28:

Double starter: https://www.quia.com/rr/146708.html?AP_rand=586167280&playHTML=1 and the conversational 'grid' about your daily routine.

In class:

1. We'll break into teams and perform "Reflex your verby." Here are the lyrics/las letras:


2. You'll have seven minutes to practice this vocabulary, then we'll play quizlet live for a few minutes. This list will help you with the project, watch out for the stem-changers (aka boot verbs)! https://quizlet.com/56171057/verbos-reflexivos-flash-cards/

3. You'll have the remainder of the class to work on your projects. These daily routine project are due next class. Demonstrate your best work!

Communicating about your daily routine

(reflexive verbs & related vocabulary)

Due on Mon., Oct. 31 / Tue., Nov. 1 - DailyRoutineProject (2).pdf

This is the assessment for this unit, so do your best work! It will count for the second quarter. (Do not copy the two example sentences at the bottom of the guidelines!)

Mon., Oct. 31 - in my absence - DONE LATE IN WEEK DUE TO SUB ISSUE

Starter: Listening activity*:


*If you have iPad issues with this activity, skip it, go on to the classwork, below, and we'll do this one on Wed.

Alternative starter (if the Colby one doesn't work):

Get at least 90% correct and take a screen shot http://www.spanishdict.com/topics/practice/85

In class:

1. a. Watch Mr. Bean's daily routine:


b. Complete the activity under the video, put his actions in the order in which they occur in the video. It will give you feedback so you'll know when you've completed it correctly.

2. a. Watch this video about a cat's daily routine:


b. Write the infinitive form of the verbs you hear in the order you hear them. Write all of the verbs, not just the reflexive ones and include those that are already in the infinitive form in the video.

For example, the video begins with, "Hola, me llamo Sam y soy un gato muy simpático." So, you would begin this activity by writing: llamarse, ser. There are almost 30 verbs in all.

I will be checking this on Wed., so if you do not finish it in class, do so for homework!

3. If there is time remaining, don't waste it! Work on these activities:





Tue., Nov. 1/ Wed., Nov. 2:

In class:

1. We will view the projects.

{DID NOT DO IN 2016 DUE TO SUB MIX-UP.Do this & Thu., Nov. 11 & Fri., Nov. 12 "stuff" before presentations next year & add screen shots from Froggy se viste, have them put in correct order (listening.)}

2. After, you will set up in groups of three and you will work together to create a skit. This will be graded classwork!

a. One person is to act out three reflexive verbs, saying what he/she is doing in the (yo) me form.

b. Another person is the "mirror", he/she reflects the actions and describes the action in the (tú) te form.

c. A third person is the reporter, he/she does not act, but simply describes the action in the (él/ella) se form.

d. Each person will perform three actions, then change roles, do three different actions, and change roles a final time with three more different actions. (We'll do a demo in English to clarify what your job is!)

3. Once you and your partners have written your scripts, do the following activities:

b. If there is time remaining, don't waste it! Work on these activities:





Thu., Nov. 3 (white) / Fri., Nov. 4 (red) - Turn in puntos sheets!

Starter: Listening activity (individually):


In class:

1. I will play the video of Mr. Bean's daily routine:


while you complete this activity: La rutina diaria de Mr. Bean

2. a. Watch this video about a cat's daily routine:


b. Write the infinitive form of the verbs you hear in the order you hear them. Write all of the verbs, not just the reflexive ones and include those that are already in the infinitive form in the video.

For example, the video begins with, "Hola, me llamo Sam... So, you would begin this activity by writing: llamarse. There are almost 30 verbs in all.

3. Belated second starter (since we didn't have one last class due to presentations): Second conversational 'grid' about your daily routine.

4. Time permitting, quizlet live with this set:


If you would like to bring your daily routine project grade up a couple of points (but not beyond a 100), you can record yourself singing "Reflex your verby": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KATBgZ5oyIg

Mon., Nov. 7 (white) / Tue., Nov. 8 (red):

Starter: Re-write the routine of El Gato Sam in the past, using the preterite or the imperfect as appropriate. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DV13khHSblM

In class:

1. We'll review your starter.

2. Here is some helpful vocab. for our new story. Using flash cards (first showing both English & Spanish, then Spanish to English, then English to Spanish) familiarize yourselves with it by and we'll play quizlet live: https://quizlet.com/57751742/solo-nacho-ruiz-flash-cards/

3. We will stop with approx. 25 minutes remaining. Together we'll read our new supercorto story, Solo, by Nacho Ruiz:


No homework due next class.

Wed., Nov. 9 (white) / Thu., Nov. 10 (red):

Starter: Can you become a millionaire with your Solo vocab.?


In class:

1. Few of you correctly used infinitives after prepositions on your projects, so we'll review this concept:


Infinitivo con preposición

Preposición + infinitivo

Ojo! en inglés, en muchos casos, se utiliza el gerundio.

  • Regresó a su país para estar más cerca de su familia. ( ..to be closer ...)
  • Se marchó sin decir adiós. (He left without saying good-bye.)
  • Apaga las luces antes de salir. (Turn the lights off before leaving.)
  • Está cansado de discutir. (He is tired of arguing.)

Here are some common Spanish prepositions:

a, con, contra, de, debido a, desde, durante, en vez de, gracias a, hasta, mientras, para, por, según & sin.

Of course, there are also the locational prepositions that we were taught with estar in Spanish I and that you reviewed in Spanish II (cerca de, delante de, detrás de, en, entre, lejos de, sobre, etc.)

2. In English we often use the gerund (-ing word) after a preposition.

I am far from being ready for a marathon!

However, in Spanish we must use the infinitive (verb form ending in -ar, -er, or -ir).

¡Estoy lejos de estar lista para un maratón!

3. In groups of three, you will write four sentences in Spanish. Don't capitalize the beginning of the sentences and don't end with a period or other punctuation mark! Each sentence must contain a different preposition followed by an infinitive. When you have finished your sentences and have proofread them, cut them up. Next you will trade your sentence fragments with another group who will try to reconstruct them.

Homework, due Mon., Nov. 14 (white) / Tue., Nov. 15 (red)

Answer 10 of the 17 questions about Solo. Answer in complete sentences in your best Spanish. Use the palabras claves to help you with literary terminology.


Mon., Nov. 14 (white) / Tue., Nov. 15 (red):

Starter: Puzzle with a mix of the vocab. from the story and the palabras claves.


In class:

1. I'll check your homework.

2. We'll review your homework. Take notes on all of the questions, I'll be drawing the exam questions from them, plus a vocab. section that will be drawn from the quizlet set in bold, yellow, below.

3. Conversational activity:



MON., NOV. 21 (RED)

EXAM ON SHORT STORY SOLO & RELATED VOCAB. Solo - El cuento, las palabras claves y las preguntas de comprensión


Thu., Nov. 17 (red) / Fri., Nov. 18 (white):

Sra. Esten is at a conference.

You will watch the film También la lluvia / Even the Rain. There are two intertwined stories in the movie. One takes place in the 2000's when a film crew and actors on a tight budget come to Bolivia to make a movie (mainly because labor and other costs are low there.) The "film within the film" takes place in the early 1500's, as the topic of the movie they are making is the cruelty and violence of Columbus and the Spanish Conquest of Mexico.

Put iPads and phones away! No, you cannot even use them for wordreference!

You will have a handout to complete while you watch the film. As the movie is more than 80 minutes long, we will finish watching it on Tue., Nov. 22 (white day class - before Thanksgiving) / Mon., Nov. 28 (red day class - after Thanksgiving weekend.)


Mon., Nov. 28 / Tue., Nov. 29:

We will finish the movie, También la lluvia / Even the Rain. We will review the questions and discuss the film.

Belated starter: Read this article on the death of Fidel Castro and take the "quiz."


Castro Kahoot!

Wed., Nov. 30 / Thu., Dec. 1:

We're beginning a new unit in which you will learn how to substitute object pronouns for nouns in order to speak and write more clearly and avoid repetition. You've already learned about indirect object pronouns (with gustar and other "backwards" verbs) so you have a strong foundation already.

In class (1):

Check out the top section (before the exercises) of this link and then see if you and a partner (I'll assign) can explain object pronouns to each other. Then each pair will write their explanation on the back board. We'll discuss and come up with a summary.

Not to state the obvious, but take notes on this!


Belated Starter:

We'll listen to the song, No me crees, 2-3 times and you will fill in the blanks with the correct indirect or direct object pronouns.

DI-IO Pronouns No me crees.pdf


In class (2):

1. We'll do a bit of practice on the board before you begin the homework assignment, below, so that we can clear up any confusion before you head off to do it on your own.

Homework due on Fri., Dec. 2 / Mon., Dec. 5:

Complete the indirect and direct object pronoun practice below. Change each of the five sentences, A-E, twice. You'll write 10 sentences in all.

1. The first time re-write the sentence by changing the direct object in the sentence to the appropriate pronoun (see chart above on the Spanish411 site) and placing it in front of the verb.

2. Working again from the original sentence, the second time re-write the sentence by changing the indirect object in the sentence to the appropriate pronoun (see chart, above) and placing it in front of the verb.

Example: El profesor enseña la novela a los estudiantes.

1. (Direct object changed to direct object pronoun.) El profesor la enseña a los estudiantes.

2. (Indirect object changed to indirect object pronoun.) El profesor les enseña la novela.

A. Juan da un regalo a su novia.

B. La madre escribió una tarjeta a su hijo.

C. Marta siempre explicaba sus problemas a mí.

D. El dentista tuvo que sacar tres dientes del señor.

E. Nosotros compramos una bicicleta para ti.

Fri., Dec. 2 / Mon., Dec. 5:

Starter: You will listen to two recordings:

Alejandro - http://www.laits.utexas.edu/spe/int07.html

Paula - http://www.laits.utexas.edu/spe/int13.html

You may have the Spanish subtitles on, click S next to transcripts in the upper right (once you've selected Alejandro or Paula.) For each recording, make a list, in order, of the indirect or direct object pronouns you hear and see.

I'll check your homework while you do this.

In class:

1. We will "DOP & IOP" these sentences, as you did for homework ones.

  1. Mis tíos escribieron una carta a nosotros.
  2. Las profes preparon el examen para los estudiantes.
  3. La mujer vendió el carro a mi hermano.
  4. Daniel compró un regalo a Cristina.
  5. Mi familia y yo vamos a enviar la invitación a ellas.
  6. ¿Tú das mucho dinero al Sr. Ortiz?
  7. Los perros dan mucho cariño a sus dueños.

2. This is a very good, less than 10 minute video to help you with both direct and indirect object pronouns, it's worth the time. Watch it and take notes, re-wind when you don't get it, etc. THIS IS CLASSWORK, SO I WILL CHECK YOUR NOTES ON TUE./WED. & GIVE YOU PUNTOS BASED ON THEM! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNbhmwsVdDo

3. Time permitting, we'll listen to a song called Espacio sideral and you'll fill in the sheet on it. http://es.lyricsgaps.com/exercises/view/3924/Expert

No homework due on Tue./Wed. Come see me after school if you are not getting this DOP/IOP stuff!

Tue., Dec. 6 / Wed., Dec. 7 (1/2 day):

Starter: In groups of three you'll compose stories (min. 10 sentences) about the kitchen image, below. Use the preterite and the imperfect and direct/indirect object pronouns (as appropriate). Type it using an ipad because we'll be projecting them next class. You may want to use a shared googledoc, just in case one of you is absent next class.

In class:

1. We'll play quizlet live with the vocab., below:

Kitchen/La cocina


Chores/Los quehaceres (some folks practiced this vocab. last year):


2. Chores conversational practice: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fJI1EkvnhqxDGJrjqQIbmtTVSmaZi4u5GUzTLQ0H9ac/edit?usp=sharing

3. Red day students will also have time for a combo speaking/vocab practice activity (vocab. strips.) White day students have a half-day!

Homework, due on Thu., Dec. 8 / Fri., Dec. 9:

You will write 12 original illustrated sentences using the la cocina vocab. from the above picture.

Each sentence will state what a different item from the vocab. is for (use para.)

For example: Una cuchara es para comer* la sopa - A spoon is for eating soup - with a picture of a spoon dipping into a bowl of soup.

*Note that after para we use the infinitive form of the verb in Spanish.

Last year's chore vocab. (below, # 3 in red) may be helpful.

I strongly recommend that you study "early and often" (the two quizlet sets in red, above.) The exam is Mon./Tue.!

Thu., Dec. 8 / Fri., Dec. 9:

Double starter: Take each one of these quizlet 'tests' until you earn a score of 90% or better.



In class:

1. I will check your homework individually.

2. We'll project your stories from Tue./Wed. and discuss them.

3. Based on what will be on next class' exam, see below, we will review what you as a group decide you need the most help on.

4. Time permitting, volunteers will put some of their homework sentences on the board. We'll correct them together and clarify any issues.

See me after school before the exam if you need help!

Substituting object pronouns for nouns in order to speak and write more clearly and avoid repetition.

Links for direct and indirect object pronoun help:




Of course, Señor Jordan will be glad to help you out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVXSusr9nTg

Exam on Tue., Dec. 13 / **Wed., Dec. 14**

**Sra. Esten is out on Wed., so the white day class' exam will take place on Fri., Dec. 16.**

It will cover:

1. Direct & indirect object pronouns (as you did for homework), see above.

2. Kitchen vocabulary: http://quizlet.com/60295175/en-la-cocina-flash-cards/

3. Review of chore vocabulary: http://quizlet.com/33409919/quehaceres-flash-cards/

There will be two types of questions, here are examples:

1. Vocab: I washed ______ (the dishes) in the ________ (sink.)

You will type: (Yo) lavé los platos en el fregadero.

2. Substituting direct or indirect object pronouns.

Direct: Marisol golpeó la pelota al portero. => Marisol la golpeó al portero.

Indirect: Marison golpeó la pelota al portero. => Marisol le golpeó la pelota.

3. There will also be some straight vocab.

Wed., Dec. 14 / Thu., Dec. 15:

In class:

Starter # 1:

Jesse the helpful dog! Does he do more chores than you? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PztO-OvzRyg

Watch the video a couple of times and write down all of the chores that Jesse does (in your best Spanish, ¡por supuesto!)

In class:

1. We'll review Jesse's chores.

Now that you've got indirect & direct object pronouns down pat, what do you think happens if you have both in a sentence? For example, I loaned her it. We call those double object pronouns.

2. Here are some links to help you with double object pronouns:



3. Not sure that you've got it? Read this explanation and take a practice quiz. The practice quiz will count as (belated) starter # 2:


4. Working with partners (groups of 2 or 3, no larger), complete these activities:




No homework! If we don't finish these activities today, we'll do so next class. They are not homework.

Fri., Dec. 16 - White day class' exam. See description and links, above.

Mon., Dec. 19 / Tue., Dec. 20:

Questions on double object pronouns and their usage? Read your notes from last class and/or read the Prof. Yepes' explanation before beginning the Bowdoin starter.

Starter: http://www.bowdoin.edu/~eyepes/newgr/compr.htm

In class:

1. We will have a bit of listening practice from the NY State Regents exam. Afterwards, we'll review and discuss strategies for improvement.

2. Finish activities from last class:

Working with partners (groups of 2 or 3, no larger), complete these activities:




3. Time permitting, we'll play Story Cubes.

Wed., Dec. 21 / Thu., Dec. 22:


Interpretive reading (pages 4-6):


In class:

1. Review the starter.

2. Video: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/60-minutes-colombia-after-civil-war-lara-logan/

3. Story Cubes!

4. Time permitting, finish # 2 from last class.



Tue., Jan. 3 / Wed., Jan. 4:

Starter: http://tinyurl.com/VidasParalelas

In class:

1. We'll discuss the starter.

2. We'll play a few memory-jogger games in kahoot:




3. Then you'll complete a reading & related comprehension activities on a very unusual festival in Spain. Do this on your own as it will count as graded classwork.


If you did not finish #3 in class, do so on your own time. Time permitting, we will watch this video on La Tomatina: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmPOFSh7zFY&t=77s

Thu., Jan. 5 / Fri., Jan. 6:

No starter. I'll check the Tomatina work from last class while you watch this brief video about conmigo/contigo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuw6RwRPH6A

Then we will review the requirements of the festival project, you will choose festivals, and you will spend the rest of the block working diligently and exclusively on your festival project!

Festival project - due on Fri., Jan. 13 / Tue., Jan. 17

A. Research a festival (not la Tomatina) in a Spanish-speaking country. It has to be one that is unlike any that we have here in the U.S. There are thousands of festivals in the Spanish-speaking world, so only one student (per block) can cover the same festival.

B. Imagine that you work in the tourism bureau of this city (or province, autonomous community, state, etc.) Your job is to make us want to attend your festival!

1. In your best Spanish:

a. Write at least 20 interesting and informative sentences about the festival;

b. Record yourself speaking your 20 sentences in your best Spanish (background music can be a bonus, but make sure that it does not interfere with our ability to hear you clearly);

c. Illustrate your project with at least 10 relevant and interesting images (video and/or stills);

2. Cite your sources. This does not need to be a formal bibliography in APA or MLA format, but it is very important that you get in the habit of always crediting the intellectual property of others! Use appropriate sources (e.g. no blogs!)

3. Take notes during your classmates' presentations as the final piece of this project is for you to create a learning activity (e.g. puzzle, matching, etc.) with one question per presentation (excluding your own.) This is due the class after the presentations.

You may use Bookcreator, Glogster or any other app with which you can create and present an engaging audiovisual presentation.

Make sure this is your original work or you will receive an "unmakeup-able" zero! Do not use a translator, do not copy from a website, do not have another person help you write it!

Mon., Jan. 9 / Tue., Jan. 10:

Starter: http://tinyurl.com/FueTanMalo2016

In class:

1. Questions on the project? Remember that it is due on Fri., Jan. 13 / Tue., Jan. 17

2. Review of double object pronouns, including the "Oi Sean" rule for syllabic emphasis & accent marks.

3. La Tomatina and so many of the other festivals are food related. Let's review some food/restaurant vocabulary via quizlet live.


(4. Time permitting, for puntos pair up and write a brief skit about a (real or imaginary) experience in a restaurant or market. Finish these in class, you will present them next class. - We did not have time for this!)

Wed., Jan. 11 (1/2 day) / Thu., Jan. 12:


Red day students, do this starter on your own time if you wish (due to 1/2 day.)

White day students, earn at least an 85% on this "quiz" and take a screen shot of your score.


In class:

(1. If we had time last class for you to write restaurant/market skits last class, you will perform them today. - We did not have time for this!)

2. Food songs! Singing competition!

La canción de las frutas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNU67X3dGHI

Jugo de naranja: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7RP3Mw5mNM

3. Time permitting, we'll play a couple of rounds of quizlet live with food. (See # 3 from Mon./Tue., above.)

Fri., Jan. 13 / Tue., Jan. 17 - Presentations of festival projects

Fri., Jan. 20 is the last day of the quarter!

New unit - We will read one of the most famous short stories in the Spanish language, Continuidad de los parques, by Julio Cortázar.




Wed., Jan. 18 / Thu., Jan. 19:

Any student who hasn't presented his/her festival project will do so today.

Double starter:

1. Those who created learning activities from the project presentations will exchange and complete them.

2. Play 10 minutes of scatter/match with the Continuidad de los parques quizlet set, above. Take a screen shot of your best score.

In class:

1. Are you finding any of the vocab. words particularly challenging? If so, let's put them on the board and see if we can come up with memory tricks for them.

2. Quizlet live with the new vocab.

3. Time permitting, speaking and listening practice with this new vocab. (vocabulary strips.)

Homework due Fri., Jan. 20 / Mon., Jan. 23

From the Continuidad de los parques "Actividades" link, above, do activity A (page 1.)