Virtual College Visits


You are encouraged to visit any college campus you are interested in attending. Look at college/university websites to register for a tour online or call their Admissions Office.

All JUNIORS & SENIORS in Spring ISD are allowed two (2) college visit days. These days can be taken on any dates without prior approval or permission. Upon return to DHS after a college visit day, the student must present evidence to the attendance office to document their actual attendance at the college or university (Example: On the day of your visit, ask for a letter from the university with your name and the date of the tour on their letterhead.) Upon returning to DHS, give this letter to DHS's Attendance Clerk. If appropriate documentation is presented to attendance, the days will be coded as "college visit days" in the student's records. These days do not have any negative effect on a student's attendance record.

College visit days cannot be "saved" from the junior year and used as additional days during the senior year. Two days per year. Use them or lose them.

All college/universities also have an "Open House" event at least once per year (usually on a Saturday). Again, check these dates out on the college/university websites or call their Admissions Office.