Dual Credit

What is Dual Credit?

Dual credit is part of the Lone Star College System's exceptional admissions program, designed specifically for high school juniors and seniors ready for college-level instruction. Students who demonstrate college readiness on a placement exam can earn college and required high school credits simultaneously by attending classes at their high school, through a Lone Star College campus, or online. For more information, please visit the website: http://www.lonestar.edu/dualcredit.htm

What are the benefits?

    • Cost savings...students get a jumpstart on their college education, accelerating their time to a college degree AND a high school diploma!

    • Studies show that dual credit increases the likelihood that a student will complete high school and enroll in and persist in college.

    • Provides an opportunity for students to transition to college while still having additional support at school and/or home.

    • Many of the classes are fully transferable to public colleges or universities in Texas, and some are accepted by out-of-state and private colleges.

    • Assist districts in maximizing their efficiency by freeing up facility space and teacher availability to accommodate more students simultaneously.

    • Allows students the opportunity to start on their postsecondary learning opportunities while completing their required courses for high school graduation! Grades received in dual credit courses are part of the student's permanent college record.