Essay Tips

Tips for Writing Essays

Purpose of the Essay

Most students dread writing their college essay-but that doesn't have to be the case. Think of the essay less as a dull list of your activities and more as a chance to share your thoughts, insights, and opinions. Highlight accomplishments and convey your maturity and personal outlook on life. Try to provide a glimpse into your personality or character. The essay enables the college admissions committee to evaluate your communication skills as well as learn more about you as a person, beyond what grades and SAT scores can convey. A well-written essay can speak volumes about your attitudes, feelings, and personal qualities.

Choosing a Topic

Read the essay question carefully and think about what the question is really asking. If stymied for topics, consider a saying you've heard that's impressed you, an obstacle or shortcoming you've surmounted, a personality trait, or an individual you admire. If you can't decide among topics, try writing about several different topics, then determine which is best. Narrow your topic: be as specific and illustrative as possible. Since the purpose of the essay is self-revelation, use little incidents and facts about yourself to reveal your character. Don't just tell, show: e.g., I am compassionate (ok); I volunteer at a homeless shelter (better).

Preparing to Write

Don't be afraid to write something that is a little different. A unique topic can be refreshing. Organize your thoughts and develop a framework for your essay so it will progress logically. Consider purpose, content, and tone. Be true to your own style; falseness always shows.

Writing the Essay

Write a first draft, concentrating on content. Set it aside for a week. Re-read it with a fresh perspective and make some changes. At this point consider matters of organization, style, grammar, spelling, and tone. After completing this initial revision, try it out on someone else. While the final product and "voice" should be yours, another person may be able to offer helpful suggestions for improvement.


Think "small" and write about something that you know.

Reveal yourself in your writing.

Show rather than tell.

Use anecdotes and examples.

Write in your own "voice" and style.

Come alive in your essay!


Write on general topics such as world peace.

Exaggerate or write to impress.

Include a laundry list of activities or a travel brochure.

Use a flowery, inflated, or pretentious style.

Neglect grammar, spelling, or sentence structure.

Ramble. Say what you have to say and conclude.

A Typical Essay Question

"Describe and evaluate one experience that significantly influenced your academic interests. The experience might be a high school course, a job, a relationship, or an extracurricular activity. Be sure to explain how this experience led to your setting the goals you now have for yourself, and why you think the academic program for which you are applying will help you to reach those goals."

Additional Hints:

The summer before your senior year you could get a head start on your essay writing while you have the extra time. Look on the college's web site or come by the College and Career Center and get a copy of the last year's application. The essay may change year to year, but the essence of the question is usually the same. Get someone to read your essays, and critique them. Your English teacher can be very good editor, but be sure you've done the best you could have done first.