Music Pilot

Review the videos posted here to create and add content to your ePortfolio site. Be sure to update the Share settings as described in the initial video and copy your site's URL in the discussion forum in your Moodle course.

Create Your Site

For the purposes of this pilot project, you'll create an ePortfolio by choosing any template that you wish. This video explains how to create your ePortfolio. You might also find this guide helpful.

Edit Your Site

This guide to editing your Google site covers editing text, inserting images, inserting links to videos, linking to websites, and attaching files to pages. See related videos below.

As you add content to your ePortfolio, be sure to remove any text that might have been provided in the template as a guide to developing your site. To remove any "gadgets" that you do not wish to include, open the page in edit view, click on the gadget and then click on the "X" to delete it.

Insert Images

Images add tremendously to the visual appeal of your ePortfolio. These guides to using images might be helpful to you.

Insert Video Links

Links to YouTube videos are easy to insert in your Google site.

Embed a PDF

After you embed your file, be sure to remove any text that might have been provided in the template as a guide to developing your page. In addition to the video posted here, you might also find this guide helpful.

Customize Your Site

It's possible to customize the theme, colors, and fonts of your ePortfolio. We found this video that explains how to do so. You'll find that a lot of the process has to do with just fooling around with possibilities until you find combinations that you like. To return to the original settings, choose "Theme" in the option areas that you have adjusted.

Add Page & Edit Navigation

Click on the Create page (plus) icon at the top of the page to insert a new web page. Name the page and click on Create.

To add the new page to your navigation links, click on the More actions icon at the top of the page, then select Edit site layout. Click in the navigation area to open its options. In the Configure navigation page, click on Add page below the current list of links. Select the page you want to add to the existing links (one at a time is all you can add) and click on OK. Use the arrows to the right of the list to rearrange the order of the links or to indent the links to demonstrate a hierarchy relationship between them.

Turn Off Comments

Comments can only be added to a page by individuals who have an "editor" role for the site. As a result, you may wish to eliminate the comment box from the bottom of one or more web pages in your site. To do so, click on the More actions icon and select Page settings. Deselect the Allow comments option and Save. Note that these are also the steps involved in making it possible for you to upload files to a folder attached to a page.