Collecting Artifacts

Get Ready to Collect Artifacts!

Create a Site

Log in to Inside SOU and open your gmail account.

Click on the Google apps tiles icon.

Screenshot of Google apps tile
Screenshot of create a site page
  1. Choose Sites, then Classic Sites.
  2. Click on the red Create button at the upper left.
  3. Click on Browse the Gallery for more.
  4. Scroll to the ePortfolio Files template and click on it.
  5. Choose Select (blue box on the left at the bottom).
  6. Make sure the ePortfolio Files template is still selected (the box around the template label will be red).
  7. Name your site (something like "lastname ePortfolio Files").
  8. Click on Create to create your site (this may take a few minutes).
  9. Click on Filing Cabinet in the left sidebar.
  10. Here's where you upload your files and store them for your entire time at SOU, plus one year. You will have access to them any time, any place, from any computer on the Internet, as long as you log into your SOU account.
Screenshot of Filing Cabinet page in class Google site