Finding Images

It's much easier to consume the visual image than to read something.

Lawrence Ferlinghetti

Twice as many people will look at your posts and pages on your ePortfolio if each has an image. Make sure that the graphics and images you use are "Labeled for noncommercial use."

Here's how to find a rich source of images from Google Images:

    • Click on "Images" at the top of your Google page.
    • At the bottom, on the right, click on "Settings" and choose "Advanced Search."
    • Specify a term or terms that you are interested in (say, Flowers) by filling out "Find images with."
    • Select image size, aspect ratio, color, type.
    • Under "Usage Rights," choose "Free to use, share or modify."
    • From this filtered group, you can choose images by size, color, type.
    • Right-click on each image, and choose "Save Image As" — save the images (to your desktop or folder).

For a video and more on images, see How to search for copyright-free images.