1 - Designing Programs, Majors & Classes

These items can help you get oriented to the materials available on eWeb, on campus and in St. Louis to support entrepreneurship.

Question 1: How do you design entrepreneurship majors or minors?

Over the years I've been involved in designing classes and full curricula, for majors and minors in entrepreneurship at the undergraduate, masters and doctoral levels. This page gives you quick access to a lot of the documents I've generated on my own or with various teams.

Undergrad Programs

IEMJ - ProposalForTwoModelUndergradua.pdf

Katz, J. A., Hanke, R., Maidment, F., Weaver, K. M., & Alpi, S. (2016). Proposal for two model undergraduate curricula in entrepreneurship. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 12(2), 487-506.

This paper was commissioned by USASBE to identify best practices for creating entrepreneurship majors and minors for undergraduates. It is the basis for the program at Saint Louis University.

Doctoral Programs

Brush, C. G., Duhaime, I. M., Gartner, W. B., Stewart, A., Katz, J. A., Hitt, M. A., Alvarez, S.A., Meyer, G.D.& Venkataraman, S. (2003). Doctoral education in the field of entrepreneurship. Journal of management, 29(3), 309-331.

Link to the article

This paper was commissioned by the Entrepreneurship Division of the Academy of Management to identify best practices for creating entrepreneurship education programs at the doctoral level.

Question 2: How do you map a textbook to a class?

Few textbooks are designed with program desiderata in mind, so one of the key jobs of the faculty is fitting the requirements of a course to the particulars of a textbook. At SLU for much of the past 20 years we've used the text developed by our program, but for those coming at it from the models of other programs, how do you fit topics to chapters? Here are our suggestions. It seems to be working. Entrepreneurial Small Business is in use in over 250 schools.

ESB6 Sample Class Syllabi.doc

This paper shows course designs for 9-, 10- and 15-week semesters along with the strategy for using a text with a lot of embedded skill modules and experiential exercises along with the full suite of in-class projects.

Question 3: How do you teach entrepreneurship to non-business students?

Today there is a growing idea on campuses called cross-campus entrepreneurship education (CCEE) and it recognizes that a lot of students will become entrepreneurs based on their majors, but those majors aren't necessarily in business disciplines. How can we help educate those non-business students in the basics of practicing entrepreneurship in their home disciplines? Here are two articles I helped develop that address these issues, and two sets of materials you can readily deploy in your CCEE classroom situations.

Joseph Roberts, Frank Hoy, Jerome A. Katz and Heidi Neck (2014), "The Challenges of Infusing Entrepreneurship within Non-Business Disciplines and Measuring Outcomes", Entrepreneurship Research Journal, https://doi.org/10.1515/erj-2013-0080

Link to article.

The focus of this Entrepreneurship Research Journal Special Issue, “Cross Campus Entrepreneurship Education” is to trace its development. Cross Campus Entrepreneurship Education best practices developed by The Coleman Foundation Faculty Fellows Program, The Kern Engineering Entrepreneurship Network and The Kauffman Campus Initiative are explained.

Jerome A. Katz, Joseph Roberts, Robert Strom and Alyse Freilich (2014), "Perspectives on the Development of Cross Campus Entrepreneurship Education", Entrepreneurship Research Journal, https://doi.org/10.1515/erj-2013-0062

Link to article

This article (below) provides a history of the development of cross campus entrepreneurship education (CCEE) in the United States and the European Union. Five models for CCEE efforts were also identified: focused (single-discipline), collaborative (two or more disciplines coordinating), magnet (bringing a campus to a central place), radiant (distributing resources across a campus) and mixed. Research topics related to the different approaches and issues of CCEE are also identified.

Cross-Campus Entrepreneurship Education ERJ.pdf

Question 4: How can you add entrepreneurship to your non-business course?

Fellows - 3 Ways To Add Entrepreneurship To Your Courses.pptx

Adding entrepreneurial alums, connecting to resouces & connecting to campus as ways to get started.

Fellows CSI Entrepreneurship.pptx

The 3 forms of entrepreneurship: corporate, social and independent. Your students could use any and all of these.

Question 5: What Is the History of Entrepreneurship Education?

Katz - JBV 2003 Chronology.pdf

Katz, J. A. (2003). The chronology and intellectual trajectory of American entrepreneurship education: 1876–1999. Journal of business venturing, 18(2), 283-300.

Link to the article.

Since the first entrepreneurship class—held in 1947—the academic discipline of entrepreneurship's growth is described using a chronology of three domains—courses, supplemental infrastructures and publications. A 100+-item chronology of entrepreneurship education in the USA from 1876 through 1999 is offered and analyzed. The major findings are (1) in the USA, the field has reached maturity and (2) growth is likely outside business schools and outside the USA. The major problems include a glut of journals, a narrowing focus on top-tier publications, potential American stagnation and a shortage of faculty overall exacerbated by a shortage of PhD programs.

BTW, this paper was reprinted in:

Patricia G. Greene and Mark P. Rice, Editors (2007) International Library of Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship Education (vol. 9), Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.

Rov van der Hosrt, Sandra King Kauanui, and Susan Duffy, Editors (2005) Keystones of Entrepreneurship Knowledge. Malden MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

And this paper was included in the Academy of Management Entrepreneurship Division’s listing of key papers in the “History of the Research Field,” https://ent.aom.org/committees/history-of-entrepreneurship/history-of-the-research-field

Question 6: What Is Entrepreneurship's Standing as an Academic Discipline?

Katz, J. A. (2008). Fully mature but not fully legitimate: A different perspective on the state of entrepreneurship education. Journal of Small Business Management, 46(4), 550-566.

Link to article

This article seeks to demonstrate that the field of entrepreneurship/small business can be characterized as fully mature, a view contrasting one proposed by Kuratko. Evidence of the achievement of full maturity and marginal legitimacy is given based on benchmarks in the development of the field. In addition, this article adds additional support to the concept of partial legitimacy on which Katz and Kuratko agree. Building from these analyses, a theoretical life cycle model for the growth of disciplines in general is offered, using entrepreneurship as the example. The major consequence of entrepreneurship's full maturity is identified as the growing centrality of the business‐school based discipline of entrepreneurship in relation to the emerging entrepreneurship efforts across campuses, and the implication of this centrality for the discipline of entrepreneurship is discussed..

Question 7: What would a syllabus for a business plan (or launch) class look like?

Class Syllabi

Our University has had top-50 national rankings continuously since 1994. In the end it is based on our classes, and those are best understood through the syllabi of those classes. Below are a collection of recent sylalbi for our entrepeneurship courses. We hope you find them useful.

Undergraduate Business Planning Course

MGT 4200 SYLLABUS SPRING 2020 -[1].docx

Graduate Business Planning Course

6210 syllabus 2021v1-1.docx

Question 8: What would a syllabus for a finance/accounting/legal/HR class look like?

This syllabus was developed by my colleague Vince Volpe who is a lawyer with an MBA and a CPA. He is also the author of the "Guidelines for Academic Papers" which is the answer to Question 34.

MGT3210 Syllabus 2022.docx

Question 9: What would a syllabus for an introduction to entrepreneurship class look like?

This syllabus was developed by my colleague Jintong Tang and uses a hybrid model for instruction.

MGT_3200_Spring 2022_Hybrid_Syllabus.docx

Question 10: What would a syllabus for an introduction to social entrepreneurship class look like?

This syllabus was developed by my colleague Rob Boyle who co-teaches the course with Linda Moen.

MGT 3201 Social Entrepreneurship Fall 2021.docx

Question 11: How to help new and adjunct faculty in entrepreneurship?

Guide for Adjuncts and New Faculty in SLU's Entrepreneurship Program

The paper below is intended for faculty new to teaching in our School and University. It covers the most important initial items (like parking, logging-in and getting books). It borrows from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy's subtitle "Don't Panic!" Download it below.

ADJUNCTS Don't Panic 2022.docx

ADJUNCTS Don't Panic 2022.docx

Question 12: What are best practices for using entrepreneurs in your classes?

Katz, J. A. (1995). Managing practitioners in the entrepreneurship class. Simulation & Gaming, 26(3), 361-375.

Link to the paper

Advice on how to find, prepare, use and reward entrepreneurs and outside experts in your class!

Question 13: What are best practices for mentors in the entrepreneurship class?


Guidelines for Mentoring V5

This handout is sent to prospective mentors to give them an idea of what is involved when helping our students. It also helps clarify what their role is and what help we can offer them as they help our students. Download it below.

Question 14: What is best practice for agreements for outsiders you bring into the entrepreneurship class?

Agreement To Join Our Teaching Team

This simple form is sent to every speaker, judge and mentor for approval (via email is fine) before coming into our classes. It reminds them the need to keep our students' ideas private and is a bookend to the students' NDA.

Agreement to Join Our Teaching Team.pdf

Question 15: What are best practices for handling NDAs (non-disclosure agreements) in the entrepreneurship classroom?

Katz, J. A., Harshman, E. F., & Dean, K. L. (2000). Nondisclosure agreements in the classroom: A student entrepreneur’s refuge or risk?. Journal of Management Education, 24(2), 234-253.

Link to file.

As the Information Age shapes the way we understand ideas as intellectual property, the notion that students’ideas in the classroom should be protected as a potential asset has increasingly gained attention. Academics and practitioners alike debate how best to address the balance between traditionally open classroom learning and traditionally secretive commercial innovation. In this article, the authors discuss the use of nondisclosure agreements aimed at protecting students’ business ideas. Based on analysis from three relevant perspectives including academic approaches, legal considerations, and ethical dimensions, the authors showwhy a nondisclosure agreement as a protective legal instrument is ineffective, and why instructors would better serve students by appealing to the ethics of information value and mutual responsibility. Pedagogical recommendations as well as an invitation to address this issue as a profession follow.

Wright, S. L., & Katz, J. A. (2016). Protecting student intellectual property in the entrepreneurial classroom. Journal of Management Education, 40(2), 152-169.

Link to file

While universities are intensely protective of revenue streams related to intellectual property interests for the institution and professors, the financial and legal interests of students in the entrepreneurial process have largely been overlooked. This lack of attention, both in universities and in the literature, is intriguing given the mushrooming growth in entrepreneurial education courses in almost every U.S. university. This article builds and reflects on an original article by Katz, Harshman, and Lund Dean where the authors advocate for establishing classroom norms for promoting and protecting student intellectual property. We present research, insights, and reflections from Professor Katz regarding the controversial ethical and legal issues related to student intellectual property in university settings and provide suggested resources for faculty traversing these issues.

Question 16: What would a class NDA look like?


Classroom NDA for Students

Developed with SLU's Office of General Counsel students complete it in their first ENT class to help them realize that they will hear things they need to keep to themselves.

For More Questions Answered Look At Our Class Solutions Page