UN Wire

UN Wire

In the past SIHRG has updated the link on the homepage to the latest edition. The UN Wire is a source of such great information from around the world that we have decided to maintain from now on an ongoing archive of links to all editions. We started with 1st December 2017.

UN Wire 25th September 2020

UN Wire 21st September 2020

UN Wire 18th September 2020

UN Wire 16th September 2020

UN Wire 14th September 2020

UN Wire 11th September 2020

UN Wire 9th September 2020

UN Wire 4th September 2020

UN Wire 2nd September 2020

UN Wire 28th August 2020

UN Wire 26th August 2020

UN Wire 24th August 2020

UN Wire 21st August 2020

UN Wire 19th August 2020

UN Wire 17th August 2020

UN Wire 14th August 2020

UN Wire 12th August 2020

UN Wire 10th August 2020

UN Wire 7th August 2020

UN Wire 5th August 2020

UN Wire 3rd August 2020

UN Wire 31st July 2020

UN Wire 29th July 2020

UN Wire 27th July 2020

UN Wire 24th July 2020

UN Wire 20th July 2020

UN Wire 17th July 2020

UN Wire 15th July 2020

UN Wire 13th July 2020

UN Wire 8th July 2020

UN Wire 6th July 2020

UN Wire 1st July 2020

UN Wire 29th June 2020

UN Wire 26th June 2020

UN Wire 24th June 2020

UN Wire 22nd June 2020

UN Wire 19th June 2020

UN Wire 17th June 2020

UN Wire 15th June 2020

UN Wire 12th June 2020

UN Wire 10th June 2020

UN Wire 8th June 2020

UN Wire 5th June 2020

UN Wire 3rd June 2020

UN Wire 1st June 2020

UN Wire 30th May 2020

UN Wire 27th May 2020

UN Wire 22nd May 2020

UN Wire 20th May 2020

UN Wire 18th May 2020

UN Wire 15th May 2020

UN Wire 13th May 2020

UN Wire 11th May 2020

UN Wire 8th May 2020

UN Wire 6th May 2020

UN Wire 4th May 2020

UN Wire 1st May 2020

UN Wire 27th April 2020

UN Wire 24th April 2020

UN Wire 22nd April 2020

UN Wire 20th April 2020

UN Wire 17th April 2020

UN Wire 16th April 2020

UN Wire 13th April 2020

UN Wire 10th April 2020

UN Wire 8th April 2020

UN Wire 6th April 2020

UN Wire 3rd April 2020

UN Wire 1st April 2020

UN Wire 30th March 2020

UN Wire 27th March 2020

UN Wire 25th March 2020

UN Wire 23rd March 2020

UN Wire 20th March 2020

UN Wire 18th March 2020

UN Wire 16th March 2020

UN Wire 9th March 2020

UN Wire 6th March 2020

UN Wire 4th March 2020

UN Wire 2nd March 2020

UN Wire 26th February 2020

UN Wire 24th February 2020

UN Wire 21st February 2020

UN Wire 19th February 2020

UN Wire 14th February 2020

UN Wire 12th February 2020

UN Wire 7th February 2020

UN Wire 5th February 2020

UN Wire 3rd February 2020

UN Wire 31st January 2020

UN Wire 29th January 2020

UN Wire 27th January 2020

UN Wire 24th January 2020

UN Wire 17th January 2020

UN Wire 15th January 2020

UN Wire 10th January 2020

UN Wire 8th January 2020

UN Wire 6th January 2020

UN Wire 3rd January 2020

UN Wire 30th December 2019

UN Wire 27th December 2019

UN Wire 23rd December 2019

UN Wire 20th December 2019

UN Wire 18th December 2019

UN Wire 16th December 2019

UN Wire 13th December 2019

UN Wire 11th December 2019

UN Wire 9th December 2019

UN Wire 6th December 2019

UN Wire 4th December 2019

UN Wire 2nd December 2019

UN Wire 25th November 2019

UN Wire 22nd November 2019

UN Wire 18th November 2019

UN Wire 15th November 2019

UN Wire 11th November 2019

UN Wire 4th November 2019

UN Wire 1st November 2019

UN Wire 30th October 2019

UN Wire 28th October 2019

UN Wire 25th October 2019

UN Wire 23rd October 2019

UN Wire 21st October 2019

UN Wire 18th October 2019

UN Wire 16th October 2019

UN Wire 14th October 2019

UN Wire 11th October 2019

UN Wire 9th October 2019

UN Wire 7th October 2019

UN Wire 4th October 2019

UN Wire 2nd October 2019

UN Wire 30th September 2019

UN Wire 27th September 2019

UN Wire 25th September 2019

UN Wire 23rd September 2019

UN Wire 20th September 2019

UN Wire 16th September 2019

UN Wire 13th September 2019

UN Wire 11th September 2019

UN Wire 9th September 2019

UN Wire 6th September 2019

UN Wire 4th September 2019

UN Wire 30th August 2019

UN Wire 28th August 2019

UN Wire 26th August 2019

UN Wire 23rd August 2019

UN Wire 21st August 2019

UN Wire 19th August 2019

UN Wire 16th August 2019

UN Wire 14th August 2019

UN Wire 12th August 2019

UN Wire 9th August 2019

UN Wire 7th August 2019

UN Wire 5th August 2019

UN Wire 2nd August 2019

UN Wire 31st July 2019

UN Wire 29th July 2019

UN Wire 26th July 2019

UN Wire 24th July 2019

UN Wire 22nd July 2019

UN Wire 19th July 2019

UN Wire 17th July 2019

UN Wire 12th July 2019

UN Wire 8th July 2019

UN Wire 5th July 2019

UN Wire 3rd July 2019

UN Wire 1st July 2019

UN Wire 28th June 2019

UN Wire 26th June 2019

UN Wire 24th June 2019

UN Wire 23rd June 2019

UN Wire 19th June 2019

UN Wire 17th June 2019

UN Wire 14th June 2019

UN Wire 12th June 2019

UN Wire 10th June 2019

UN Wire 7th June 2019

UN Wire 5th June 2019

UN Wire 3rd June 2019

UN Wire 17th May 2019

UN Wire 15th May 2019

UN Wire 13th May 2019

UN Wire 10th May 2019

UN Wire 3rd May 2019

UN Wire 1st May 2019

UN Wire 29th April 2019

UN Wire 24th April 2019

UN Wire 22nd April 2019

UN Wire 17th April 2019

UN Wire 15th April 2019

UN Wire 12th April 2019

UN Wire 10th April 2019

UN Wire 5th April 2019

UN Wire 3rd April 2019

UN Wire 1st April 2019

UN Wire 29th March 2019

UN Wire 27th March 2019

UN Wire 22nd March 2019

UN Wire 20th March 2019

UN Wire 18th March 2019

UN Wire 11th March 2019

UN Wire 6th March 2019

UN Wire 4th March 2019

UN Wire 1st March 2019

UN Wire 27th February 2019

UN Wire 22nd February 2019

UN Wire 20th February 2019

UN Wire 18th February 2019

UN Wire 15th February 2019

UN Wire 13th February 2019

UN Wire 11th February 2019

UN Wire 8th February 2019

UN Wire 6th February 2019

UN Wire 30th January 2019

UN Wire 28th January 2019

UN Wire 25th January 2019

UN Wire 23rd January 2019

UN Wire 21st January 2019

UN Wire 18th January 2019

UN Wire 16th January 2019

UN Wire 14th January 2019

UN Wire 9th January 2019

UN Wire 2nd January 2019

UN Wire 31st December 2018

UN Wire 26th December 2018

UN Wire 21st December 2018

UN Wire 17th December 2018

UN Wire 12th December 2018

UN Wire 10th December 2018

UN Wire 7th December 2018

UN Wire 1st December 2018

UN Wire 28th November 2018

UN Wire 19th November 2018

UN Wire 16th November 2018

UN Wire 14th November 2018

UN Wire 9th November 2018

UN Wire 2nd November 2018

UN Wire 31st October 2018

UN Wire 29th October 2018

UN Wire 26th October 2018

UN Wire 24th October 2018

UN Wire 19th October 2018

UN Wire 17th October 2018

UN Wire 10th October 2018

UN Wire 8th October 2018

UN Wire 5th October 2018

UN Wire 3rd October 2018

UN Wire 1st October 2018

UN Wire 28th September 2018

UN Wire 26th September 2018

UN Wire 21st September 2018

UN Wire 20th September 2018

UN Wire 17th September 2018

UN Wire 7th September 2018

UN Wire 24th August 2018

UN Wire 15th August 2018

UN Wire 30th July 2018

UN Wire 27th July 2018

UN Wire 23rd July 2018

UN Wire 20th July 2018

UN Wire 18th July 2018

UN Wire 11th July 2018

UN Wire 6th July 2018

UN Wire 29th June 2018

UN Wire 27th June 2018

UN Wire 25th June 2018

UN Wire 22nd June 2018

UN Wire 18th June 2018

UN Wire 15th June 2018

UN Wire 13th June 2018

UN Wire 11th June 2018

UN Wire 8th June 2018

UN Wire 6th June 2018

UN Wire 4th June 2018

UN Wire 30th May 2018

UN Wire 25th May 2018

UN Wire 18th May 2018

UN Wire 14th May 2018

UN Wire 11th May 2018

UN Wire 9th May 2018

UN Wire 7th May 2018

UN Wire 4th May 2018

UN Wire 2nd May 2018

UN WIre 30th April 2018

UN Wire 23rd April 2018

UN Wire 20th April 2018

UN Wire 18th April 2018

UN Wire 16th April 2018

UN Wire 13th April 2018

UN Wire 11th April 2018

UN Wire 9th April 2018

UN Wire 6th April 2018

UN Wire 2nd April

UN Wire 30th March 2018

UN Wire 28th March 2018

UN Wire 26th March 2018

UN Wire 23rd March 2018

UN WIre 21st March 2018

UN Wire 19th March 2018

UN Wire 16th March 2018

UN Wire 14th Mach 2018

UN Wire 12th March 2018

UN Wire 9th March 2018

UN WIre 7th March 2018

UN Wire 5th March 2018

UN Wire 2nd March 2018

UN Wire 28th February 2018

UN Wire 26th February 2018

UN Wire 23rd February 2018

UN Wire 21st February 2018

UN Wire 19th February 2018

UN Wire 16th February 2018

UN Wire 14th February 2018

UN Wire 12th February 2018

UN Wire 9th February 2018

UN WIre 7th February 2018

UN Wire 5th February 2018

UN Wire 2nd February 2018

UN Wire 31st January 2018

UN Wire 29th January 2018

UN Wire 26th January 2018

UN Wire 24th January 2018

UN Wire 22nd January 2018

UN Wire 19th January 2018

UN Wire 17th January 2018

UN Wire 15th January 2018

UN Wire 12th January 2018

UN Wire 10th January 2018

UN Wire 8th January 2018

UN Wire 6th January 2018

UN Wire 3rd January 2018

UN Wire 29th December 2017

UN Wire 27th December 2017

UN Wire 22nd December 2017

UN Wire 20th December 2017

UN Wire 18th December 2017

UN Wire: 15th December 2017

11th December 2017 UN Wire

8th December 2017 UN Wire

6th December 2017 UN Wire

4th December 2017 UN Wire

1st December 2017 UN Wire