Objects of SIHRG


The GROUP intends to be an open organisation in which each member is free to participate. Being an organisation of solicitors and like minded individuals the GROUP will work on the assumption that all members are competent to contribute to the cause of promoting the OBJECTIVES of the GROUP as set out in the rules below.

Each member is encouraged to join working groups or otherwise participate in the work of the GROUP and to freely communicate their own ideas to the COMMITTEE of the GROUP or the working groups as appropriate. Every organisation needs a minimum set of rules to function and the RULES set out below are ADOPTED by the General Meeting of the Membership of the GROUP together with the three principles set out above.


The objects on which the Group is formed are:

(a) To promote knowledge and understanding of international human rights law and standards

("human rights standards") within the solicitors' profession of England and Wales.

(b) To assist and encourage members of the profession to be involved in the promotion and observance of international human rights standards throughout the world.

(c) To promote access to justice and the observance of international human rights standards by all appropriate means including:

  1. Study and research and reporting into human rights standards and any subject relating to them.
    1. Communications with any international, regional or national governmental or non-governmental organisation, any corporation or business or any grouping or individual which may bear responsibility for or possess influence over the abuse or observance of international human rights standards. ("Communications").
    2. Conducting missions around the world to observe, monitor and report upon matters relating to human rights including trials, detention conditions, elections and the exercise of civil and political rights, matters falling with the jurisdiction of any national, regional or international court including the International Criminal Court, and the protection of economic, social and cultural rights etc. ("Missions").
    3. Providing advice and support to members of the legal professions in other jurisdictions in their efforts to secure human rights within their states or regions.
    4. Instruction and training in international human rights standards for the legal profession in the U.K. and abroad.

(d) Any other activities that may be designed to promote international human rights standards in the world.