Janki April 18


On the 19th April 2018, Melinda Janki an international lawyer discussed the legal and environmental issues around the proposed oil production projects in Guyana. This lecture was chaired by our Vice Chair Ruby Sandhu. The presentation provided key concerns on the current activity in the country by way of exploration licenses and the recently discovered huge deposits of petroleum. Melinda suggested that accountability, transparency and judicial review be brought to the process of granting these oil production exploitation license, including in depth review and engagement of any environmental impact assessments that had been carried out. Melinda also brought to the audiences attention that Guyana a former British colony and the only English speaking country in South America had only recently discovered huge deposits of petroleum. And that these discoveries were at a time when the world was trying to develop a post-carbon future. Concern was expressed that the government of Guyana’s discussion on the production of a million barrels of oil per day could potentially devastate fisheries, destroy marine life and damage the Caribbean’s tourism industry.

Note the confirmed venue is Room RG05

University of Law, 14 Store Street, London WC1E 7D