We audio recorded the event. There was a temporary technical problem of a minute during Dr Tim Williams talk.
The order of speakers and tape time is approximately as follows:
Ruby Sandhu: Start to 25 mins
Dr Tim Williams: @ 25 minutes to @ 45 minutes
Dr Samuel Mahaffy: (linked in from the USA) @ 45 minutes to 55 minutes
Questions and answers: 55 minutes to end 1 hour 30 minutes
Eritrea, through the lens of Business Ethics and Sustainability
Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Russell Square London Friday 12th December 2014
Dr Tim Williams
BSc(Hons), PhD, DIC, C.Dip.A.F. MIMMM C.Eng C.Geol FGS
Dr Williams started up two successful early stage exploration companies focused on gold and copper in the State of Eritrea. He has extensive experience in the mining finance sector from his experience as a mining analyst at James Capel and Company, and again at Lehman Brothers. For five years Dr Williams was the metals and mining industry specialist at Ernst & Young’s London office. Dr Williams is also an experienced mining geologist and executive manager. He has worked for both major mining companies including Gencor and JCI in senior roles, and for junior exploration companies.
Samuel Mahaffy
Dr. Samuel Mahaffy was born and raised in Eritrea. He is a nonprofit and NGO consultant who has worked with more than 500 organizations. Samuel Mahaffy is the Founder of the East Africa Institute and serves as Senior Advisor to Salaam Urban Village, a non-profit serving immigrant and refugee communities from East Africa including Eritrea. Samuel Mahaffy connects with Eritrean communities across the United States and in other countries. He is a relentless advocate for the country of Eritrea and the Eritrean people.
Samuel Mahaffy earned his Ph.D. from Tilburg University in the Netherlands. He is a Certified Mediator and has been involved in conflict resolution work for more than three decades. He resides in the Northwest United States. He actively researches and publishes on topics related to Africa, peacemaking and Eritrea.
Ruby Sandhu
Ruby is the Vice Chair of SIHRG - she is an active member of SIHRG and builds on her extensive experience as a partner at a law firm where she worked on high profile international cases, involving political prisoners and politicians requiring a multi-jurisdictional approach to complex issues.
Prior to this she was a commercial lawyer, advising on all aspects of corporate commercial law. She has taught international human rights law to postgraduate students, studying intercultural dialogue, at the University of Sofia Bulgaria along with other civil society outreach projects.
She runs a consultancy RS Collaboration to educate and disseminate the evolving norms around CSR, business and human rights.