Gurney and Vullaimy bios

Sam Gurney -

He is a Policy Officer in the European and International Relations Department at the Trades Union Congress and a member of the Governing Body of the UN International Labour Organisation.

His current areas of responsibility at the TUC include; the ILO, China, Latin America, South Africa, relations with the International Trades Union Confederation and campaign work on procurement and London 2012.

Until July 2003 he was a Regional Organiser for GMB London Region. Before this he was an organiser at Connect the Union for Professionals in Communication. He studied at the School of African and Asian Studies at the University of Sussex (where he was also president of the student union 1995-96) and the Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations at the University of Warwick where he obtained a Masters with distinction.

Ed Vulliamy

Senior Correspondent

The Observer / The Guardian Biography to be added shortly.