
Former Environment Minister Michael Meacher will be joining the line up -

Michael Meacher – short biography

Michael was educated at Berkhamstead School and attended New College, Oxford – he entered politics

in the 1960s after working as a lecturer at York University and the London School of Economics – He has

been the Member of Parliament for Oldham for 42 years (elected in 1970 after unsuccessfully fighting a

by election two years earlier). He was made a privy councillor in 1997

He has served in several Labour Cabinets; he was a Minister in the Wilson-Callaghan Governments

1974-79 and then a member of the Shadow Cabinet 1983-97. He held a Front Bench position for 29

years and has held 7 portfolios either in Opposition or in Government - one of the most recent being as

Minister for the Environment where he was responsible for implementing the Right to Roam Act.

Since 2003 he has been very active on a number of domestic and international issues, especially the

background to the Iraq War and its consequences, the economy, GM crops and climate change. He is

Chairman of the All Party Group Parliament First which is working for further Parliamentary Reform.

He is the author of several books including ‘Socialism with a Human Face, ‘The Political Economy in the

1980s’, ‘Diffusing Power – the key to the socialist revival’ and more recently ‘Destination of the Species

and the Riddle of Human Existence’