2008 AGM minutes

Minutes of Annual General Meeting

Held at 6:30pm, 27 February 2008

Room 6.6, BPP Law School, 68-70 Red Lion Street, London

  1. Apologies:

Apologies received from Zoe Bryanston Cross, Emma Norton, Karen Mitchell.

  1. Minutes of last year’s AGM:

Minutes were approved without comment.

  1. Chairman’s report:

We have had a few resignations on the committee and they will be up for election along with the other positions. Additions to ME’s report are:

SIHRG is branching out to Manchester.

Protest letter was written over West Papua.

Vanessa Redgrave is to speak at a special meeting on the 10th April 2008.

  1. Annual Report for 2007:

Annual Report was adopted without comment.

  1. Treasurer’s Report and approval of Annual Accounts:

Annual Accounts were formally approved without comment.

  1. Approval of Independent Examiner

Kim Hooper was reappointed

  1. Election of Management Committee

The following were elected to the Management Committee for 2008-09:

  1. Any Other Business


Date of next Committee meeting: 12 March 2008.