Workshops and Events

Throughout the year, the Writing Center staff holds workshops and fun activities. See some of the activities we do on this page.


The Writing Center presents a number of workshops open to everyone. Some topics we've addressed  in campus workshops are multimodal compositions, helpful writing apps, personal statements, and incorporating and citing sources. We also offer workshops targeted to specific groups of students, like RAs or first-year students. Finally, we often do workshops in particular courses, collaborating with faculty to facilitate their students' work on their class assignments.

Write On: A Composition & Culture Writing Circle

Write On workshops are a convenient and effective way for Composition and Culture students to work on issues like grammar or citations, which may not be covered in depth in class. First, participating students complete an online Starter Component to learn more about a topic. Next, students work on that issue in their own writing through a 15-minute Follow-Up Component hosted by Writing Center staff. 

Spring 2024 Write On

Topics and Dates

Step One - Review the Starter Component online. See the Write On page for links.

Step Two - Complete the Follow-Up Component. Choose a Zoom Follow-Up time or a face-to-face Follow-Up time to drop in for 15 minutes. 


Write On Workshops for the 2023-2024 academic year are now complete. Stay tuned for future Writing Center workshops!


Spring 2024 Write On Workshop Topics

Workshop One: MLA & APA Citations

Workshop Two: Shifting Person


Fall 2023 Write On Workshop Topics

Workshop One: Shifting Verb Tense

Workshop Two: Commas

Workshop Three: Pronoun Reference


The Writing Center hosts special events too! We've had game nights, times for making cards for hospitalized children, and sessions for doing blackout poetry and Mad Libs, among others. We typically hold an event in the fall, and then several in the spring, particularly during International Writing Centers Week in mid-February. Hope you'll join us for some!