Types of Writing/ Assignments

You may be asked to write a type of composition you've never written before. On this page, we have some resources about writing some common, perhaps unfamiliar, types of assignments.

Immediately under this introduction, you'll find a list of the different types; click on the type to go to the section with resources for that type.

Annotated Bibliographies

Annotated Bibliographies - The Writing Center @ University of Wisconsin

Link suggested by Laura Patterson, professor of English and former Director of Undergraduate Writing Programs 

Annotated Bibliographies- Purdue OWL

Explanation of what they are, why they are written, and how to format them

Literature Reviews

Literature Reviews - The Writing Center at the University of North Carolina

Handout that details types of literature reviews and that provides tips for writing them

Literature Reviews: An Overview for Graduate Students - North Carolina State University Libraries

Video that introduces writers to what a literature review is, and what steps should be taken to complete one; recommended by Susan Eichenberger, Associate Professor of Sociology at Seton Hill University

Digital Portfolios

Template for LA 400 Digital Learning Portfolio - SHU Senior Integrative Seminar

Developed by Susan Eichenberger for the University Learning Objectives assignment, this template shows how students could set up their eportfolios and what they could include on different pages. Several instructors are using this model to guide their students in developing their portfolios, though students should check before following this template. Some instructors might have guidelines or requirements that vary from the information on this template.

How to create digital learning portfolios in the classroom - TED-ED Blog

Advancing Equity and Student Success through EPortfolios - Association of American College & Universities (AACU)

From Summer 2016, the entire issue of this AACU journal focuses on e-portfolios. It includes a variety of articles on this topic.

Case Studies

Case Study - WritingforCollege.org

Philosophy of Education/ Teaching Philosophy

The Teaching Philosophy Statement - The Center for Teaching Excellence, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Definition of teaching philosophy and hints for getting started

Writing Your Teaching Philosophy - Center for Teaching and Learning, University of Minnesota

Tutorial for writing teaching philosophy; includes explaining the background and context, getting started, creating and revising drafts, and providing samples and additional resources 

How to Write a Statement of Teaching Philosophy - Gabriela Montell, in The Chronicle of Higher Education

Article for faculty looking for teaching positions; much information, like that in the section "Don't Make Empty Statements," useful for all audiences

Literacy Narratives

Many sections of SHU's first-year writing courses, Composition and Culture, require that students write a literacy narrative. 

Writing a Literacy Narrative - The Norton Field Guide to Writing 

This website section provides comprehensive information about writing a literacy narrative, including an example, key features, and tips for planning, writing, and revising.

What is a Literacy Narrative - Cynthia Selfe

This video introduces viewers to the concept of the literacy narrative. It is part of an iTunes University course ("Documenting Community Literacies") created by Cynthia L. Selfe and H.Lewis Ulman. 

Personal Statements

primarily geared toward applying to graduate school

Examples of Successful [Personal] Statements -Purdue OWL

Samples of successful personal statements and also advice from admissions representatives

Writing Personal Statements -DePaul University (Career Center)

Online PDF that presents an overview, examples, Do’s and Don’ts, and exercises regarding graduate school level personal statements

Writing Your Statement of Purpose - Seton Hill University (Career and Professional Center)

Breaks down writing a statement of purpose as well as the structure of personal statements

Do's and Dont's of Personal Statements - Florida State University (Career Center)

Online PDF that contains formatting tips, common mistakes, Do’s and Don’ts and a way to evaluate your statement

Breaking Down Personal Statements - Essay Edge

Gives very detailed, step-by-step directions on how to go about the entire personal statement writing process; includes tips on brainstorming, introductions/conclusions, format, and incorporation of personal examples

Structure of Personal Statements - Ball State University

Online PDF that contains tips and a general guideline to follow, such as possible sections and the number of sentences for each section


How NOT to email your Instructor - Video from a professor on what not to say in a professional email

To: Professor@University.edu   Subject: Why It's All About Me - The New York Times

Students: How to email your Professor, employer, and professional peers - Chris Blattman, Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science and the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University

Email Etiquette for Students - Purdue University Online Writing Lab

Emails - Excelsior College Online Writing Lab

Business Email Writing Tips That Work Like Magic

Email Etiquette: or how to make sure you don't annoy your professors and colleagues

E-mail etiquette - American Nurse

Ten E-mail Etiquette Tips for Medical Practices - Physicians Practice

Mind your manners: Electronic etiquette in healthcare