Senior Companions

Senior Companions

Helping Others Live Life to the Fullest

Being independent is a matter of pride for us all. That’s why Senior Corps Senior Companion Program (SCP) is vitally important to so many elderly individuals. Since 1974, Senior Companions have provided the one-to-one support that allows their frail neighbors to stay in familiar surroundings for as long as safely possible.

Senior Companions are volunteers over 60 who provide companionship and friendship to the isolated elderly, assisting them in basic but essential ways and making a significant contribution to their quality of life. Senior Companions help make it possible for seniors to remain in their homes and live the independent life they so desire.

As a Senior Companion, you’ll brighten the life of an elderly neighbor by …

  • Assisting with grocery shopping, organizing bills and paperwork and preparing a light meal

  • Assisting in coordinating trips to medical appointments and other transportation

  • Alerting family members and/or aging care managers to potential problems

  • Assisting in obtaining personal, homemaking, medical and other needed outside services

  • Providing short periods of relief to primary caregivers

As a Senior Companion, you:

  • Add richness and renewed interest to your clients’ lives

  • Help your community care for those most in need

  • Enjoy a sense of purpose and the knowledge that you are making a difference

  • Receive a stipend that will not interfere with your eligibility for any other local, state or government program

  • Participate in a thorough orientation and ongoing training each month

  • Benefit from an annual health examination

  • Receive reimbursement for transportation to and from clients’ homes

  • Are provided with some meals during service

  • Receive supplemental accident and liability insurance while volunteering