Foster Grandparent Program
Lots of Little Reasons to Get Involved
If you’ve ever spent 10 minutes reading a book to a child, you know that even a small amount of attention and compassion can make a world of difference. Senior Corps Foster Grandparent Program (FGP) allows adults over 55 to share their experience, wisdom, love and support to make a difference in the lives of young people who need them most.
Since 1965, Foster Grandparents have worked in schools, hospitals, correctional facilities, and Head Start and daycare centers helping children develop the skills, confidence and strength to succeed in school and, most importantly, in life. Senior Corps Foster Grandparent Program will help find just the right opportunity for you, whether you want to …
Provide guidance and mentoring to young people striving to succeed
Tutor children from kindergarten through 12th grade
Offer one-to-one support and counseling to struggling youth
Open troubled youth’s eyes to their potential
… or just feel the amazing sense of warmth and well-being that comes from helping a child
Foster Grandparent Program volunteers:
Participate in a thorough new volunteer orientation
Receive monthly in-service training
Receive transportation reimbursement
Receive supplemental accident and liability insurance
May be eligible to receive a stipend that will not interfere with eligibility for any other local, state or government program