About Us

Mission Statement

The Senior Corps of PA Directors Association is a state-wide non-profit organization which addresses the evolving needs/trends of senior volunteerism and coordinates resources to meet the needs of Pennsylvania's communities.

History Tid Bit

Senior Corps of PA Directors Association (SCPDA) was incorporated in 1991 and became a 501(c)3 in 1992. FGP, RSVP, and SCP joined in the mid 90's.

SCPDA is the premier and largest senior volunteer agency in Pennsylvania and the United States.

Senior Corps of PA

Helping the People Who Help the World

The longer you live, the more experiences you have and the more you have to offer. That’s the simple secret behind the incredible, inspiring success of Senior Corps, the largest mature adult volunteer program in Pennsylvania and the nation.

Senior Corps of PA Directors Association's focus is to creatively meet the needs of experienced Americans looking for opportunities to get involved in ways that will directly benefit their communities. Through our diverse network of programs, more than half a million Americans age 55 and over assist local nonprofits, schools and community organizations in building vital and healthy communities.

Senior Corps connects roughly 220,000 Americans to service opportunities in their communities. Senior Corps volunteers use their acquired skills, knowledge, and experience to make a difference to individuals, non-profits, and faith-based and other community organizations throughout the United States.

Through Senior Corps of PA’s three programs – Foster Grandparent, RSVP and Senior Companion – volunteers can mentor, coach, nurture, manage, be a caregiver or choose from any of the hundreds of other volunteer activities. Or, we’ll help find a rewarding opportunity through our network of community partners.

Senior Corps offers nearly unlimited opportunities for volunteers to apply their experience to make a positive, lasting impact, whether the desire is to give just a little time each week or to become deeply involved in an exciting, dynamic project. Contact us today to learn more about how you can share your time and talents to make a difference.

A World of Difference in Pennsylvania

Senior Corps volunteers are making a world of difference in communities throughout Pennsylvania. In 2017, 245,000 volunteers contributed 74.6 million hours of service at local nonprofits, schools, community organizations and faith-based agencies. In addition, 840,000 elderly, 267,000 children and 332,100 veterans in need were served. By using their passions as a guide, Senior Corps volunteers can explore those opportunities they may have been unable to pursue earlier in life and gain renewed purpose, fulfillment, energy and vitality.

Senior Corps of PA Directors

Senior Corps of PA Executive Board Members