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AmeriCorps Seniors PA Directors Association

ASPDA Announces 2021 Executive Board

Rebecca Maletto-Cornell, President

, Vice President

June Werner, Treasurer

Deb Myers, Secretary

Jesse Newman, Past President

Foster Grandparent Program (FGP)

Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP)

Senior Companion

Program (SCP)

Pennsylvania Highlights

3,506,834 volunteers contribute 341.0 million hours of service

34.2% of residents volunteer, ranking them 21st among states

Volunteer service worth an estimated $8.2 billion

98.8% of residents regularly talk or spend time with friends and family

58.9% of residents do favors for neighbors

22.1% of residents do something positive for the neighborhood

33.4% of residents participate in local groups or organizations

59.8% of residents donate $25 or more to charity