ARRA Waiver

The Seminole County School District is requesting a one-year waiver of the following Title I, Part A statutory requirements and regulatory provisions that affect the use of available Title I, Part A ARRA (stimulus) funds.

1) Approval of the Seminole County School System as an SES provider. This provision prohibits an SEA from approving a provider of SES that is an LEA identified for improvement or corrective action (34 C.F.R.§ 200.47(b) (1) (iv) (A), (B)). This waiver request would allow the above mentioned LEA to apply as State Approved SES provider.

(This waiver would allow Seminole County School district to become a State approved provider for after-school Supplemental Education Services.)

2) Waiver of the responsibility of an LEA in improvement to spend 10 percent of its FY 10 Title I, Part A, Subpart 2 allocation on professional development (ESEA section 1116(c) (7)(A)(iii); 34 C.F.R. § 200.52(a)(3)(iii)).

(This waiver would allow the System to redirect the 10% of funds required for additional staff development courses for staff to be used for direct classroom instruction. Other funding sources are already available for staff development.)

To meet No Child Left Behind requirements, the local school system must provide public notice of intent to apply for waivers and to request public input. Please insert date and comments for or against the waivers in the box provided below.