Core and Strength Routines

Sample Strength and Exercise Routines for Cross Country and Track and Field.  Each year these are modified based on the ability and desires of the team and team members.  

Running is whole body exercise, not just an action performed by the legs. A good endurance runner depends on upper body as well lower body strength.

For example; during the running stride muscles in the arms, abdomen, and lower back repeatedly contract to absorb the shock of landing and counteract rotational and side to side movement. Poorly conditioned calf muscles can cause flat-footed running and heel striking. Weak hip flexors may limit the height of knee lift.

We want to strengthen these areas to reduce injury and improve our running mechanics. If we do so, we become stronger and more efficient runners thus improving our overall performance.

Sample Warm-up Routines

These are sample practice and pre-meet routines we have done.

Additional Everyday Strength Routines

These routines should be done before a running workout.  These should be done progressively as the week goes on.  Ideally, Monday is routine 1, Tuesday is routine 2, etc...

Sample Post Run Drills

These are drills and stretches that all runners will do once their run is completed.

Additional Strength Matrix

These are additional routines that can be added to prevent injury and increase strength.  They are done in conjunction with strength routines and done as time during practice allows.