
Fall 2024 Season

Have you signed up yet?  Team Information Form

Upcoming Events:

Tuesday - 5/21 - Returning Members Team Meeting Lunch - B203

Tuesday 6/18 - Incoming Parent/ Player Meeting 7:00 AM - CCA Track and Field Stadium (2nd Day of Camp - informal session and ability to ask questions)

Monday - 6/17 - First Day of Summer XC Training Camp: Sign Up Here

Monday - 7/28 - Runner's Workshop - Big Bear Camp - Not School Sponsored

Please volunteer a donation to the Cross Country Program today!  Be sure to use the drop down menu and select  Cross Country as the team of choice!Every little bit helps - we can't do this without it!

Other Information

Team Emails Summaries

CCAXC - 4/1 Update

Hello Ravens!

All those interested in Fall 2024 Cross Country - I am asking for your input in regards to this upcoming fall XC season.  Believe it or not, we as coaches are already putting together the schedule calendar for the upcoming season in terms of meets and travels.  As there has been interest in an overnight meet this fall, the planning needs to happen soon.  Please input your thoughts into this google form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf3rUn-dfFfhOGeXtCBGQZq8gYwgSmaBoXQvxEPwpTY_jk6dw/viewform?usp=sf_link

I'll keep this open through 4/11 and will start working through the results at that point.

Sign up for the 2024 Cross Country Team: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeqJv1yDpY4CkYSzXz7LR2KXGBwucnGvb97BvrIlDHyFA2HHA/viewform?usp=sf_link

Thank you and have a wonderful break!

- Coach

What to pack in your bag for race day...

Post Race: After all races, runners are expected to do a 20-30 minute cool down (depending on skill level) plus normal drills and stretching.  For planning purposes, you can expect to be completed with everything an hour after your race starts (i.e. an 8am race start, you should arrive by 7am and then be done with racing and cooldown by 9am).

Time Schedule For League Races

Cluster 1 - Wed, September 25 at San Dieguito Sports Park

Early Release 1:00 - Bus Leaves 1:15 - Return ~7pm

Cluster 2 - Sat, October 19 at Del Norte HS

Saturday Meet - No Bus, Meet is Combined with Palomar League

Cluster 3 - Friday, November 1 at Kit Carson Park

Early Release 1:00 - Bus Leaves 1:15 - Return ~7pm