Lombard District 44

Instrumental and Choral Music Ensembles

Welcome to the Lombard D44 Instrumental and Vocal Music Home Page! Please find specific ensemble tabs at the top of the page or at the links below for grade level information. You can also register for our Music Parents Association via the MPA tab! 


7th/8th Gr. Concert Orchestra 

& 6th Gr. Chamber Orchestra

Joanna Schultz - jschultz@sd44.org - (630) 827-4622

5th Gr. Orchestra

Eric Friel - efriel@sd44.org - (630) 827-4628

4th Gr. Orchestra

Rebekah Simaan - rsimaan@sd44.org - (630) 827-4330


7th/8th Gr. Wildcat Band & 6th Gr. Bobcat Band

Nick Martin - nmartin@sd44.org - (630) 827-4588

5th Gr. Band

Chris Prohaska - cprohaska@sd44.org - (630) 827-4247

4th Gr. Band

Julie Syperek - jsyperek@sd44.org - (630) 827-4018


Westlake Choirs

Deb Ahlgrim - dahlgrim@sd44.org - (630) 827-4589

Madison Choir

Melinda Devany - mdevany@sd44.org - (630) 827-4108

Butterfield and Manor Hill Choir

Elizabeth Bauer-ebauer@sd44.org -(630) 827-4352

Hammerschmidt Choir 

Michele Meiers - mmeiers@sd44.org - (630) 827-4246

Parkview and Pleasant Lane Choir

Nancy Goodin-ngoodin@sd44.org-(630)827-4047