Welcome to 

5th Gr. Band!

Mr. Chris Prohaska

Bobcat Band Director



Chris Prohaska earned his Bachelor of Music Education degree from Elmhurst College in 2011 and his Master of Music Education degree from Vandercook College of Music in 2015. He has been teaching instrumental music for the past 12 years. Throughout his career Chris has served as an adjudicator for solo/ensemble festivals and worked as a guest clinician in the Chicagoland area as well as for the Western Jamaica International Band Directors Association Festival held in Montego Bay, Jamaica. In addition to teaching, Chris maintains an active performance career playing clarinet, saxophone, and flute. He has performed most recently with The Naperville Winds, Wheaton Municipal Band, Chicago Wind Symphony, Chicago Clarinet Ensemble, Chicagoland Educators Orchestra, West Suburban Symphony and various pit orchestras including Summer Place Theater and Natural Talent Productions.