How do I contact the club?

Send an email to the club at events@scwboomersclub.com. Provide your email address and an appropriate member will contact you.

What are the club’s membership requirements?

The focus of the club is on the individuals of Boomer age and their interests. However, we do not have an age restriction.

Do you have to live in Sun City West to become a member?

Yes, it is required that members live in Sun City West and have a Rec Card.

Do I have to be a paid member to attend club events?


Can members bring guests to club events?

Yes, unless specifically stated otherwise due to space limitations, a member may bring guests to an event.

Is there a limit to how many times a guest may come?

Yes, there is a limit of four times per year per guest.

Must a guest live in Sun City West?


Is the club open to part-time Sun City West residents?


When are events held?

There is no set rule. We have the Boomers clubhouse at the Kuentz Rec Center every weekday from 4:00 PM until 10:00 PM. However, we also have events at Palm Ridge or other Sun City West facilities. Hikes and excursions are held outside of Sun City West. Check the Calendar on this website for event times and locations.

Will events be for the entire membership or small groups of members?

We have general membership meetings (for the entire club) four times per year. Events for smaller groups can be proposed by members completing an Event Form located on the Club Business page of this Website.

What is an Event Form?

Any member can suggest a social opportunity of their choosing to be considered by the club. Forms are located on the Club Business page.

What are the club dues?

Dues are $15 per person per year (January through December). Dues are not prorated. Renewals start in November. The membership year ends on January 31. Members not renewed by then no longer receive the club mailings.

Do I have to monitor for the Sun City West Boomers Club?


How is the personal information in the Membership Directory used?

The Membership Directory is distributed only to SCW Boomers Club members and is used to facilitate contact between members for social purposes. There is a statement at the beginning of the Directory which indicates no marketing or soliciting for personal monetary gain by telephone, written communication to a street address, nor by e-mail is allowed by anyone, including SCW Boomers Club members, without the permission of the member. Further, it states no forwarded e-mail is allowed without the permission of the member.