
Mr. Huston -- Math


Please be sure to check schoology for current assignments

What are we learning currently in math:

Algebra: Linear Equations and Functions

8th Grade: Exponent Rules and Usage

Extra Help:

  • By request

Quiz/Test Retake Policy:

There are a few things to do before a Test can be corrected. The student must come and talk with me outside of class time or when all work in class is done. They will have a chance to earn back half of the points that they lost by making corrections to the test on a separate piece of paper. We will decide on a due date, and on or before that due date, the student needs to hand me the original test and the corrections. They will earn back half credit for all correct answers.


Homework is graded based on effort. Every student will receive a 100 as long as there is an attempt made on every single problem, homework is expected to take no more than 30 minutes, if it exceeds this please let me know. The homework will also always be listed on the homework page of this website as well as on schoology.

Goals for 8th Grade Math Course:

8th Grade math focuses on preparing students for high school by focusing on both procedural skills as well as conceptual skills. This course will provide students with a strong foundation of skills in expressions & equations, functions, geometry and probability & statistics. Students will also work on developing each of the concepts listed below (taken directly from the CCSS website)

Course Materials:

The following should be brought to class everyday:

    • Spiral notebook or composition notebook

    • Folder for past quizzes/tests/worksheets

    • Lots of pencils and erasers

You will also need:

    • Book Cover

    • Scientific Calculator


Homework 10%

Quizzes 30%

Tests: 35%

Classwork 25%

Homework assignments -Homework is graded solely off of completion. Daily participation sheets are practice sheets completed in class and graded based on accuracy.

Classwork- These are assignments that can be re-corrected after being graded and be passed in again to be regraded. The purpose of this is to allow students to use mistakes as a learning opportunity and avoid making the same mistakes in the future. Students may redo any assignment in this category up until the day of the test for that particular unit.

Quizzes- These are assignments that cannot be retaken or corrected. Students should keep passed back quizzes in a folder so that they can use them to study from for the upcoming tests.

Summative assessment/Tests includes unit tests and projects that measure the students mastery of concepts and skills at the end of the unit. Students can make corrections and earn points back by following the steps above.

If you have any comments or questions please reach out to me at

Algebra Textbook — Link to the free online version of the big ideas math textbook

Algebra Worksheets — Link to worksheets from class and homework sheets for Algebra

Math In Focus Login — This is a link to the online version of the math textbook we will be using this year. Use your school email as the username and your regular password. If the book pages do not load your computer is blocking flash player and you will need to allow this to run.