Madame/Señora Pope's Website

8th Grade French Curriculum 2021-2022

September 2021

* Review from 7th Grade, finish up ER Verbs, pas de and Chapter 3

October, November, December 2021

* family vocabulary, ages, numbers 0-1000, possessive adjectives, rooms of the house, apartment, verbe avoir, être vs. avoir, review of pas de - Chapter 4

January, February, March, April 2022

* Café vocabulary, Café food and drinks vocabulary, verbe prendre, verbe aller, futur proche, places to go vocabulary, contractions with à

April, May, June 2022

* verbe venir, contractions with de, verbes IR, verbes RE, verbe mettre, clothing, verbe faire, passé composé

8th Grade Spanish Curriculum 2021-2022

September 2021

* Review from 7th Grade, finish up AR Verbs, Estar vs. Ser

October, November, December 2021

* family vocabulary, ages, numbers 0-1000, possessive adjectives, rooms of the house, apartment, verbo tener

January, February, March 2022

* Cafe vocabulary, food and drinks vocabulary, verbo Tomar, verbo Ir, places to go, contractions with a and de, verbos ER, verbos IR

April, May, June 2022

* Sports, stem changing verbs e to ie, stem changing verbs o to ue, Interesar, Aburrir, well~being vocabulary, past tense(pretérito)

French/Spanish Grading Procedures

Homework – considered formative and is not graded, however Powerschool will show a "MISSING" or "TURNED IN" for informational purposes only

*TURNED IN - Homework is turned in at the beginning of class and completely complete

* MISSING - If homework is incomplete, a student is not permitted to take a retake quiz until the homework is turned in

* Homework is practice!  If you are not practicing, you may not be able to show comptency.  You may take a retake after all homework that applies to the subject matter is turned in.

* All students have 7 days from their return date to hand in H.W. for "TURNED IN" - Afterwards, the above grading applies.


Assessmentss – 100% of grade

* Written  (Language Control), Listening (Interpretive) and Speaking (Interpersonal) assessments will be given periodically throughout units

* In order to be successful, these must be studied for and the language must be practiced – everything is in your notes and we practice a lot in class!

* Students that receive below an 80% may take a retake, however resubmit work must be turned in prior to the retake.   If the new grade falls below an 80, but is higher than the first grade, the student will be given the new grade outright.


 Competency Based Grading