Week 22

Week 22 2/10/20-2/14/20


  • Essays Due tomorrow- submit on classroom
  • Hand in the following
    • Final copy- printed and SIGNED BY PARENT
    • Rough copy- printed and edited by a partner
    • Outline
    • Peer Revision
    • Brainstorm


1. LATE Essays - submit on classroom -5 for each day it is late

  • Hand in the following
    • Final copy- printed and SIGNED BY PARENT
    • Rough copy- printed and edited by a partner
    • Outline
    • Peer Revision
    • Brainstorm

2. Holocaust vocabulary and word parts- Due tomorrow

3. Finish Holocaust reading comp-Due tomorrow


  • 1. LATE Essays submit on classroom -5 for each day it is late
  • Hand in the following
    • Final copy- printed and SIGNED BY PARENT
    • Rough copy- printed and edited by a partner
    • Outline
    • Peer Revision
    • Brainstorm


"The Police" Reading comp- highlight and number in the text. Use quotes and full sentences for your anwers


Extra credit Reading Log