Week 18-8H

Week 18 Homework 1/13/20-1/17/20

Monday ( music trip to East)

1. Due Tuesday 1/14

Chapter 3 (pgs. 21-40)

· Comprehension questions (full sentences)

· “Father Kino” pg. 12

· Question for discussion (graphic organizer)- in class/quiz

· Chapter 3 symbol entries

· Quiz on Chapters 1-3- Quiz will be mutliple choice and short response- see page

Tuesday (Quiz TODAY)

Due Thursday 1/16

Chapter 4 (pgs 41-57)

· Comprehension questions (full sentences)

· Imagery picture


Due Thursday 1/16

Chapter 4 (pgs 41-57)

· Comprehension questions (full sentences)

· Imagery picture


  1. Due Friday 1/17

Chapter 5 (pgs. 58-67)

· Comprehension questions (full sentences)

· Question for discussion (graphic organizer)


  1. Due Tuesday 1/21

Chapter 6 (pgs. 68-90)

  • Chapter 6 symbol entries
  • Question for discussion (paragraph form)- in class
  • Quiz on Chapters 4-6- writing assignment- brainstorm
  • Part 1 of symbol project

Reading schedule-The Pearl web.pdf