Week 21-8H

Homework 8H


Monday- Thursday

Due Friday 2/7- Quiz today

  1. Chapters 1-8
    • Read and answer comprehension questions- use full sentences, text based details and page numbers
    • Research Primary and secondary sources for Chapters 1 and 5
    • Chp 1 evacuation of women and children during the London bombings
    • Chp 5 Chamberlain’s declaration of war on Germany


  • Due Friday 2/14-Quiz Today
  1. Chapters 9-16
    • Read and answer comprehension questions-
    • Research Primary and secondary sources for Chapter 12
    • Chp 12-the German aircraft parachuting mines into the Thames estuary.
    • Chp 12 the invasion of Finland and the bombing of Helsinki

GNMT due dates