About Me

My name is Heidi Michta and I am currently teaching at Seneca Middle School. I teach 7th grade and 8th grade Studio Art. This will be my 2nd year full-time at Seneca. This year I am proud to be a Co-Coach for Seneca's Robotics team and supervisor for the Comic Book Creation Club!

2 year ago I was split between Sagamore Middle School and Seneca Middle School teaching both 6th and 8th grade studio art.

2 years ago, I taught at Sachem North and Sachem East. I began my day at Sachem North where I was proud to be teaching 2 brand new courses! Game Design & Animation and Digital Painting. I was also teaching Advertising Design at North where we will study Visual Culture and marketing with the use of studio time and computer lab time.

I ended my day at East where every other day I taught Digital Painting and everyday Media Arts.`

Digital Art will allow students to create a well-rounded art portfolio for college. All students who wish to pursue Art School should be sure to not only take digital classes but studio classes. Studio class are the foundation for all digital media.

This will be my 11 1/2 year of teaching and my 9th year teaching at Sachem. I spent 4 years at Sequoya Middle School, 1/2 year at Chippewa, 1 1/2 years at Seneca, 1 year at Sagamore, 1 year at East and 2 years at North. I was the Artistic Director for Sequoya's Drama Productions for 3 years and then Director for 2 years. I directed "The Little Mermaid Jr." and "The Music Man Jr." I have advised several clubs in the past such as, 6th Grade Art Club, 7th & 8th Grade Art Club, Dance Club, and Photography Club.

I was the lights and sound supervisor for Sachem North's Auditorium for 5 years. I also substitute teach at the Alternative Night School Program at North and have been doing that for 3 years.

Art students have 150+ career options! You can live and work as a professional and do what you love! Who wouldn't want that?