
Math and Science competitions not only help you increase your knowledge of mathematics, it also provides some scholarship opportunities to high performers. There are many different types of math competitions ranging from short 10 minute written contests to highly intensive research projects. Currently we are very active in UIL but are also promoting participation in the other competitions on this list.

    • UIL Number Sense, Calculator and Mathematics Contests. Short 10 to 40 minute competitions held at local high schools. Top students and teams in district (late March) go on to compete in regionals. Top regional competitors compete at State. Students who make it to State can qualify for scholarships.

    • Rocket City Math League - This is a 45 minute 10 question test in levels ranging from Pre-Algebra to Calculus. The competition starts in the fall and continues throughout the school year. Tests are administered locally. This competition is on our fall plans for the 2014-2015 school year.

    • American Math Olympiad (AMC) - This is a 75 minute 25 question multiple choice test. Students who perform very well are invited to compete in AIME. Top performers at AIME are then invited to the National competition. A team of six is selected from the national competitors for the international competition. The University of Texas is currently signing up students for the February 19th competition.

    • Mathematical Minutes Video Contest - Create a fun 2 to 5 minute video with a few of your friends from Mu Alpha Theta. The video should be educational and entertaining and of course about math. Our chapter is allowed up to three submissions.

      • Deadline for submission is midnight, February 28, 2014. The National Mu Alpha Theta page has the rules and guidelines here. You can also see winning submissions from last year including first place which a smooth operator who uses a cool math trick to get a girl's phone number.

    • Moody's Mega Math Challenge - Teams of 3 to 5 students and one teacher-coach compete in a mathematics modeling contest for a share of $125,000 in scholarships. The competition is done online on either March 8th or 9th. Contact Mr. Duran, Ms. Wu or Mrs. Overman if you are interested in forming a team. Up to two teams can be registered for each school.

    • Siemens Competition: Math:Science:Technology - This is a research project competition usually done in partnership with local universities. Online registration begins in early May with projects due in September. This is a very time intensive competition but top winners scholarships as high as $100,000. Please contact Mu Alpha Theta if you are interested in participating.

    • TAME Math & Science Competitions - Students participate in Math and Science including individual testing and team competitions. Students qualify for the state competition in April by winning at a regional competition. The competition is normally held in February.

    • Math Kangaroo - This is an international, once a year event, always on the third Thursday in March. Any student in grades 1 through 12 qualifies if he or she can work independently: read and answer a multiple choice test. Paid registration is done in the fall semester and practice materials are provided on the website.