Unit 2- Constant Velocity

Unit 1 - Constant Velocity

Week 1

Key Vocabulary

  • Distance - How far something has traveled. The direction doesn't matter, it is the sum of all individual distances
  • Displacement (delta X) - Change in Position
    • Displacement = final position- initial position
    • displacement can be either positive or negative
  • Speed - distances traveled over some time interval
  • Velocity- The change in position over some time interval
  • time interval - How much time passes during a measurement

Key to worksheet 1

Key to worksheet 2

Key to worksheet 3

Week 2 - Multiple forms of representation for the motion of an object.

  1. Monday-Whiteboard worksheet 3 - Understanding the position and velocity time graph relationship.
  2. Tuesday- Whiteboard discussion on worksheet 4 -Understanding displacement.
  3. Wednesday-Whiteboard discussion on worksheet 5
  4. Thursday- quiz on multiple forms of representation

Week 3 - Preparing for the tests and applications of constant velocity

  1. Monday- Whiteboard the review worksheet
  2. Tuesday- Constant Velocity Lab Practical
  3. Wednesday-Test on constant velocity TEST DAY
  4. Thursday-Acceleration Lab
  5. Friday- Introduction to acceleration