Principles of Engineering

Week 2 Sept 9-14

  • Monday
    • Family Portrait team building activity
  • Tuesday
    • Family Portrait team building activity
  • Wednesday
    • Driving question: Should I use regular gasoline in my minivan or E85? What parameters should be considered?
    • Units
    • Unit conversions
  • Thursday
  • Friday
    • Quiz on unit conversions

Week 3- Unit Conversions 9/16- 9/20

Can Crusher Lab Activity

Due Wednesday October, 16 2018

Power point requirements ( 10 points) group grade

  • Introduction slide, all creators, logo, appropriate title for the can crusher
  • Each person's initial design should be displayed
    • Everyone should take some time and discuss their initial ideas, inspiration for that idea, and pros/cons to that idea.
  • Include your decision matrix to help us see how you chose your final design and discuss why. (2 points)
  • Include your blue print for the final design and it should be specific. (2 points)
  • Show the can crusher working (3 points)
    • Discuss the strengths and weaknesses to your design, how efficiently does it work or does it get snagged a lot?
  • End the presentation by discussing what are the strengths and weaknesses to your design. (2 points)
  • Everyone in the group must contribute similar parts (1 point)

Goeldi Guidelines and Expectations

Draw a picture of a cube