Even though it's name says VAX, it is really a PC/AT compatible system that was introduced in 1986. It has an 8 MHz 80286 processor, 1 MB of RAM, a 10 Mb ThinWire Ethernet interface, High-Resolution Graphics controller, LK250 keyboard, mouse, and printer ports, and a 1.2 MB 3 1/2" floppy controller on the motherboard.  A 5.33 MHz 80287 math coprocessor, 2 MB RAM expansion, and a modem board can be added. This configuration boots MSDOS from a network connected VAX or VAXmate server computer using DECNET.

An expansion chassis is available that mounts under the terminal. The expansion chassis contains a WD1003 disk controller board, a 20 MB MFM RD31 disk drive, and optional backup battery. This configuration boots MSDOS and Windows from the disk.

This is the back of the VAXmate with the access cover tilted down. You need to remove the power cord, slide a lock over the power cord socket, and then the back cover can be opened.

The 2 MB RAM expansion board. With this board installed the system has a total of 3 MB of RAM.

The Modem option board. This supports Asynchronous DECnet with dialup connections.