Enigma Research Business Model 9000 Keyboard

The boards were built by Keytronics for Enigma Research and have four 10-pad sets of programmable function keys. I spent a lot of years as a writer in ad agencies and was freelancing full-time when these keyboards came out. Keys 6-10 paired up with Word 5 for DOS (also included) so that one had five additional highlighting keys: current work, next and previous sentence and next and previous paragraph. Which made writing a lot faster than any subsequent versions of Word for Windows or writing programs on a Mac. Other programming also allowed single-keystroke hits for italics, all caps. etc. I also did a lot of script writing (a lot for HP and Apple, for example), and one could pre-load in all a script's character names in caps (for insertion in a left-hand column) , along with a tab and return to lower case for typing in a character's dialog in a corresponding right-hand column. And that was really slick. The boards retailed for $350 when I bought 'em. Like the first one so much, I got a second as backup--and had a travel case made for one so I could take it along on writing assignments to other cities. I used SmartKey software to program the keys and that's included. I also had they keys programmed to switch to other settings for spreadsheet operation--I was using Quattro Pro.


Both are in brand-new condition, and the key contacts were refurbished by Mil-Key in the Seattle area about three years ago. Shortly after that, I retired my DOS computer so the\ boardsy haven't been used since. They will work with newer PC's, but only the 1-10 function keys will be programmable.  Mil-Key's proprietor was at Keytronics and knows the boards inside and out and is still in business at 509.891.6425.

I also have additional keyboard guides and backup promo materials.