Computer Histories Page XIV

Norman DeLucia

Norman DeLucia  ( February 6, 1941 ~ December 11, 2022 ) was one of the first graduates of a new computer technology training program, in 1964, offered on Providence College campus, and worked in information technology as a systems analyst, first at IBM and GE, then for Allendale, Puritan, and Blue Cross for many years, while , at the same time, beginning to build his business in farming.  Always a very forward thinker, he talked about the day when everyone would have personal computers in their homes, and predicted the Y2k issues at the beginning of his career, working a fix for it into his programs from the start. Over time, he established DeLucia's Berry Farm in 1976, a family farm growing berries and making jams. He loved agriculture and interacting with other local farmers and restaurants with whom he did business. He and wife Dolores worked side-by-side on the farm for many years before retiring to spend days enjoying their retirement in their peaceful home in Little Compton. Norman enjoyed working on projects around the house while helping and caring for Dolores.

Norman was a Vietnam War veteran, serving for in the Air Force for 6 years. He often told his family and friends about his time serving in the military with former New York Yankees manager Joe Torre in the early 1960's.

Norm's family donated his Providence College computer text books from the early sixties.