Writing Happenings

Deer pair ants,

Ur stoodnt wil b brnging hom riting, doo not b skaird ov the speling. The inglish langwij iz kunfewzing two lern. Cidz uz 'phonetic' speling in thair wrk to xpres thair thouts. Foursing cidz too uz cunvenshunal speling reedoss thair dezir and abillite to right. It iz mi joub to teech ur child 2 uz reesorsis and lerning to beecum a 'Smartie Writer'. U can hlp ur child bi incoruging thim at eech divelupmentil stag. Axk ur child to reed and esplane thair riting to u. Az ur child lerns about the inglish langwij tha wil mak the tranzishun to 'adult writing'.

Thank u 4 ur saport,

First Grade Teachers

Dear parents,

Your student will be bringing home writing, do not be scared of the spelling. The English language is confusing to learn. Kids use phonetic spelling in the work to express their thoughts. Forcing kids to use conventional spelling reduces their desire and ability to write. It is my job to teach your child to use resources and learning to become a 'Smartie Writer.' You can help your child by encouraging them at each developmental stage. Ask your child to read and explain their writing to you. As your child learns about the English language they will make the transition to 'adult writing.'

Thank you for your support,

First Grade Teachers